Grrrrrr... I'm livid that this still happens!
ALL of my products have stock control enabled and it's a crucial part of my business, keeping the stock levels and max amounts orderable up to date (and thanks to Mole End, I can do this!)
I have a product which comes in 3 sizes and several (6 I think) colours.
Glamourmom Top
I have the stock control set for EACH associated product and, as they are ordered, the max orderable qty is changed (by the stock control mole) to the stock level held.
I have the stock control for the MAIN product turned off. THe max orderable qty is not set to anything because I don't want to be able to limit the TOTAL number of these tops that a customer orders (in various size/colour combos)
Trouble is, Actinic is allowing customers to order MORE than I have in stock of any size/colour. Even though I have a stock level and max qty set to 2, it's STILL letting customers order 3.
Surely, once you associate a product, you should associate it's stock levels and ordering limits too?
I don't want to set a max qty of 2 in the MAIN product because then customers can't order 3,4 or 5 (like my recent one did!) and it still won't help when a stock level/max qty of 1 is set in the associated product.
This is making a mockery of the whole associated product/stock control feature, isn't it? Because, even though I have associated a product in order to control stock, it is only doing half the job!
Please Actinic, tell me this is something that can be fixed? It's something I've brought up before in the past and it received little or no attention then.

ALL of my products have stock control enabled and it's a crucial part of my business, keeping the stock levels and max amounts orderable up to date (and thanks to Mole End, I can do this!)
I have a product which comes in 3 sizes and several (6 I think) colours.
Glamourmom Top
I have the stock control set for EACH associated product and, as they are ordered, the max orderable qty is changed (by the stock control mole) to the stock level held.
I have the stock control for the MAIN product turned off. THe max orderable qty is not set to anything because I don't want to be able to limit the TOTAL number of these tops that a customer orders (in various size/colour combos)
Trouble is, Actinic is allowing customers to order MORE than I have in stock of any size/colour. Even though I have a stock level and max qty set to 2, it's STILL letting customers order 3.
Surely, once you associate a product, you should associate it's stock levels and ordering limits too?
I don't want to set a max qty of 2 in the MAIN product because then customers can't order 3,4 or 5 (like my recent one did!) and it still won't help when a stock level/max qty of 1 is set in the associated product.
This is making a mockery of the whole associated product/stock control feature, isn't it? Because, even though I have associated a product in order to control stock, it is only doing half the job!
Please Actinic, tell me this is something that can be fixed? It's something I've brought up before in the past and it received little or no attention then.