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Catalogue/Order Manager/Referrers ?

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    Catalogue/Order Manager/Referrers ?


    I am considering buying an actinic catalogue to develop a shopping cart for a client.

    I have a few questions:
    - Can the Order Manager be used with Actinic Catalogue ?
    - Does actinic have a referrers feature (i.e. we have affiliates who will link to our site, we need to track those links & pay a commission of someone using the affiliate link buys products) ?
    - Can the database be imported into/exported from any accounts software ? i.e. Sage or in Access format ?

    If these questions are answered somewhere in an FAQ, then please tell me where I can find it as I searched the site before posting

    Thanks in advance

    1. You can develop the site in Catalog and maintain it in that and then use Order Manager for the order downloads, but connecting Order Manager to an accounts package is not possible as I understand it.

    2. Referrer feature is included in Actinic, page 65 of the Actinic Advanced User Guide which you can get from the Download section within, plus there are some good affiliate systems which can integrate with Actinic, so just do a search for affiliate software in the forum.

    3. Business comes with Link for Sage Line 50 and a cut down link ability for Quickbooks.


      Excellent - thanks for the informative reply

      You'll now be getting my business

