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Query the database using SQL

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    Query the database using SQL

    I'd like to see an option on the 'reports' menu where you can type in your own SQL statements, and have that produced as a report. ( Actinic is great, but it doesn't tie in easily with other packages I use )

    Anyone else agree ?

    Anyway, I wrote a javascript program (within a webpage), to do some SQL'ing.

    If anyone is interested, here it is :-

    HTML Code:
    body	{	font-family: arial;		font-size: 8pt;											}
    thead	{	background-color: navy;	color: white;		font-weight: bold;					}
    td		{	padding: 4px;																	}
    	This program :-
    		1.	Connects to the Actinic database
    		2.	Queries the database (using SQL) to get a table of all products and their quantity tiered pricing
    			(eg 1-2 items=£5 each, 3-4 items=£4 each, 5+ items=£3 each)
    		3. Displays it
    		4. Closes the database connection	
    	var filename = "C:\\Program Files\\Actinic v7\\Sites\\Site1\\ActinicCatalog.mdb";
    	var adoCn, adoRs, price, lower_qty, upper_qty, desc, prev_desc, bgcolour;
    	adoCn = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");										// Create ADO objects 
    	adoRs = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset");
    		adoCn.Open("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" + filename );		// Try to connect to database
    		document.writeln("Open error: ");
    		document.writeln(adoCn.Errors(0).Description + "<br />");
    	adoRs.ActiveConnection = adoCn;
    																						// Execute SQL command
    	adoRs.Open(	"SELECT p.[Short description], pp.[nValue2], pp.[sString1], pp.[sString2] " + 
    				"FROM Product AS p, ProductProperties AS pp " +
    				"WHERE p.[Product reference] = pp.sProductRef AND pp.nType=4 " +  
    				"ORDER BY p.[Short description], pp.[nValue2] DESC" );
    	adoRs.MoveFirst();																	// Iterate recordset
    	document.writeln("<table><thead><tr><td>EX VAT</td><td>INC VAT</td><td>FROM QTY</td><td>TO QTY</td><td>DESC</td></tr></thead><tbody>");
    	while(!adoRs.EOF)  //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    		price = "0" + adoRs("nValue2");				price = price.substr(1);			// Get a record
    		lower_qty = "0" + adoRs("sString1");		lower_qty = lower_qty.substr(1);	// [Slight farce to get
    		upper_qty = "0" + adoRs("sString2");		upper_qty = upper_qty.substr(1);	//  actual values, and not
    		desc = "0" + adoRs("Short description");	desc = desc.substr(1);				//  by reference]
    																						// Change row colour when product name changes
    		if (desc != prev_desc)	{	if (bgcolour=="#dddddd") bgcolour="#eeeeee"; else bgcolour="#dddddd";	}
    		if (lower_qty=="null") lower_qty="-";
    		if (upper_qty=="null") upper_qty="-";
    		if (upper_qty==-1) upper_qty="+";
    		document.writeln("<tr bgcolor='" +  bgcolour + "'>");							// Start a table row
    		document.writeln( "<td>£" + (price/100).toFixed(2) + "</td>");					// Show price
    		document.writeln( "<td>£" + (price/100*1.175).toFixed(2) + "</td>");			// Price with UK's Value Added Tax
    		document.writeln( "<td>" + lower_qty + "</td>");								// Lower qty needed for customer to get this price
    		document.writeln( "<td>" + upper_qty + "</td>");								// Upper qty needed
    		document.writeln( "<td>" + desc + "</td>");										// Product name
    		document.writeln("</tr>");														// Complete table row
    		prev_desc = desc;																// Description stored for row colour change (above)
    		adoRs.MoveNext();																// Get next record
    	document.writeln("</tbody></table>");												// Close table
    	adoRs.Close()																		// Close objects
    	delete adoCn;																		// Clean up
    	delete adoRs;
    Webmaster at Stuff for Computers

    If you want to query the database and produce a customised report I would have thought you're probably better off doing it outside of actinic with your software of choice.

    I like to use Excel, others use Access. It seems it can even be done with javascript.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


