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Beginner needs help!

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    Beginner needs help!

    Hi there, I wonder if anyone can help me? I have been using actinic catalog version 3 for the past few years and have just recently upgraded to version 7. I taught myself how to use version 3 by operating a basic 'learn as you go along' type of thing. Now on the upgrade to version 7 I seem to have run into a few problems. I have upgraded successfully but need to 'tweak' lots of things and am not sure how exactly to do them. I don't really know how to use codes in links to change design/layout therefore when I look at the frequently asked questions section I can't work out how to use the answers. The current live site is still using version 3
    These are the basic questions I have at the moment:
    1) How do I separate the products within each section so there are only a certain amount of items per page? Many of my sections have a large amount of products and I don't want a huge scroll down list.
    2) If customers want a quantity of each choice per product is there a way of them being able to do this without them returning from the checkout basket?
    3) In the component details of the product, each choice is a different price. If a customer wants choice B, with the pricing model set to 'Sum of Product of Component prices', when the customer comes to checkout will the price be the amount entered for choice B or the amount entered for choice A + choice B?
    I won't be making the site live until have everything correct.
    As you may have gathered I am quite confused. Can anyone recommend an online teaching service that would further my knowledge so I can understand the basics!!?!?!

    Thanks in anticipation

    Hi Stephanie,

    1. to seperate the products in a section you need to add in sub-sections and put the products into those - think of a section (or sub-section) as 1 page on the internet

    2. not entirely sure what you mean by this but the customer can alter the product quantities in the shopping cart and then refresh the cart

    3. with the model set to "sum of product and component" the totals will change depending on the price of the component eg Product cost + component A cost or Product Cost + component B cost

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      thanks for the speedy reply. If my product cost is set to zero then whichever component choice the customer makes will be the total price I presume? Thanks


        Hi Stephanie,

        You are correct.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Regarding the subsections, is there anyway I can have a list of my products and then a 'next page' button that links to the next page of products? If i have subsections, does this then mean that I have to have web page with just the page numbers on? Hope you understand what I mean.


            Steph - this may be what you are looking for

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Hi Stephanie,

              I would also suggest you download the Advanced Users Guide from here. You will find a lot of interesting things there.

              Kind regards,
              Bruce King

