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eek.. I've obviously done this wrong.. (shipping by total value)

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    eek.. I've obviously done this wrong.. (shipping by total value)

    For years I have offered free UK P+P on ALL orders.
    Lately, I've been getting a lot of small orders (well under a fiver!) which lose me money on card fees and postage.
    So I want to impose a £1 P+P fee for orders under £5.. fair enough..
    Thing is, I'm not sure how to do it.
    I have always done shipping by total qty where I've had qtys from 1-20 with FREE second class shipping of £0 and optional first class shipping of £1 for every qty band.

    How do I set it up for SECOND CLASS £0.01-£4.99 priced at £1 and £5.00 upwards priced at £0?
    And... FIRST CLASS £0.01 to £4.99 at £2, £5.00 and over priced at £1 (or shoud I keep it all at £1 for first class?)

    I thought I had it right (had price bank £0.01 at £1 (£2 for first class) and £5.00 price band at £0 for second class and £1 for first class... but it didn't work.

    Am I missing something vital here? Surely I don't need to specify more?

    Have you changed the mode from Quantity to Value?

    If so set second class as:

    £4.99 = £1.00
    £5.00 = £0
    and tick "take highest value in table"

    and first class

    £4.99 = £2.00
    £5.00 = £1.00
    and tick "take highest value in table"

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      ahh... thank you!
      Hope I didn't lose any orders while it wasn't working properly!
      I guess I'll know by the missing order numbers from abandoned carts!
      Cheers jont!

