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Customer Groups / Price Display...

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    Customer Groups / Price Display...

    I have setup various Customer Groups, each with their own pricing. The problem is that the "Retail" price always displays alongside the other prices I have setup in my Customer Groups (e.g. If a customer in group "Discount" logs in, they see their discounted price as well as the Retail price) - I only want the relevant group prices to show when customers log in, i.e. I want to hide/stop/prevent the Retail price from displaying unless, of course, a customer is logged in under the Retail group. Can anyone help please??

    Hi James,

    I think you have 2 issues which are getting mixed. The retail price is the default price list everyone see's by default if they are not logged into the site. If you really want to hide the retail price you will need to force people to register to the site to gain acess to the prices.

    If you want to reomve the retail prices from displaying from other customer groups when logged in this has been covered and a quick search should through up various solutions.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

