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Images not displaying!!!!

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    Images not displaying!!!!

    I am having a huge headache with a very simple problem. Actinic is slowly but surely making me go insane lol.

    I have had issues with images being present on the server and not being viewable in my (or anyone elses) browser. Has anyone else had this problem??

    I have checked and double checked and Im getting a repeat even though I have refreshed the site a number of times...

    Would using an FTP program to view the server files have any effect on Actinic working properly, as I used one to change a logo image on the index page.

    Im also getting issues with other pages randomly changing in layout, even though I havent touched the catalogue part of the program....

    This is becoming a migrane slowly but surely, can anyone give me any insight into why this is happening??

    Kind Regards,


    Could you post a link of your website to a page where you are experiencing these issues.
    This will help us identify your image paths etc and see what might be causing it.
    Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
    Ecommerce Digital Marketing

    SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

    SellerDeck Hosting
    SellerDeck Digital Marketing


      Is nobody able to view them? on different machines with different levels of security?
      Can you view NONE of them or is it just some that are missing?
      Only ask coz there's a big thing with XP and Norton Internet Security blocking some images.
      I have several missing on my site (not to everyone but certainly missing to me) even though they are there.
      If I disable Norton IS, sometimes they are visible.
      I've tried playing with the image names, sizes and all sorts with no luck!


        Hi Dave,

        Can you tell me if you have all the images in your Site1 folder or are they in folders outside the Site1 folder? Can you tell me what format the images are in? If your images are outside the Site1 folder then, can you try plcing them within the Site1 folder and then doing an update of the site. This will also me an changing the paths to the images. To test if this works I would suggest you try this with a couple of images within a section, then check the section online to see if the images appear.

        Do post back to let me know what happens, or if you already have them in your Site1 and they are not displaying anyways. Can you alos post a link to the site so we can take a look at it.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Browsers are case sensitive. This is something which you might want to check.

