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Exclude postage on items

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    Exclude postage on items

    Hi there,

    I have a store that has 3 postage categories based on weight created by artificially giving items small (1kg), medium(100kg), and large(10000) weights as someone suggested in another post.

    This breaks down into £3, £8 and £14 postage groups.

    The items in the groups should all be available in the UK but I need to find a way of stopping the products in the final postage group (£14) from being purchased by someone in Europe or America as the postage costs we would actually have to pay are unfeasible.

    Is there anyway to do this? I hope I have descibed that clearly enough.



    In the USA zone have your weights for the 1st and 2nd weight categories (up to 999kg) and then tick "dont allow excess" - if someone then adds the 1000kg product they will not be allowed to ship as they have broken the 999kg ceiling.

    You may need to modify your weights and bands to get this to work in case someone adds say 10 x 100kg which you could possibly ship but the cart system would not allow it

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      You can also use the "increment by" option to calculate the relevent shipping costs should someone be REALLY keen to buy from you and ship overseas... I use this for the Island and Grampian zone due to the surcharges imposed by our carriers

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Thanks a lot for your comments. What is the "increment by" option?


          That allows you to increment the highest set weight in the table by a specified amount so if your table is set at the highest say 500kg = £20.00 you can set to increment say 1kg = £1.50 ..... so a weight of 502kg calculates to £23.00 and so forth.

          This may work depending on your carrier and obviusly the weight to cost is not necessarily a straight line equation so you may have to take a mean average cost increment but is worth exploring as an option rather than excluding sales

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

