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PayPal Website Payments Pro supported?

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    PayPal Website Payments Pro supported?

    Good day to all - long time.

    Does Actinic version 7 support PayPal's new Website Payment Pro option?

    PayPal now allows customers NOT to have to join or pay with PayPal, but can simply use a credit card. It also includes a virutal terminal so you can manually enter phone or fax orders now.

    Unfortunately, it's "only available in the US at this time".

    For it to work, we need to use Direct Payment API and Express Checkout.

    Any experience with Pro?


    Hi there

    I'm afraid the current Paypal integration does not support the "Paypal Website Payment Pro" option and we have no plans to introduce this in the near future.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Is this still the case or has this now been integrated for V8?

      Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
      Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


        Hi there

        Thanks for your interest in this. I can't really go into detail on this, but it is something being considered at the moment.


          This seems to be giving mixed messages

          PayPal shows and claims on its PayPal Pro site that it seamlessly integrates with Actinic Express? ?

          We currently use Actinic Business V7 soon upgrading to V8 and use PayPal as our current only payment provider. Future plans and direction in development and compatibility of both actinic software and our secure payment provider is high on our dashboard. You would think a strategic direction statement would have been agreed between the parties before the release of such information?

          Phil G.


            ACTINIC - some straight answers would be appreciated...

            Hi all

            I also have a very keen interest in the new PayPal Pro options, and i'm really keen to know if it will be supported in v7 (and when) and if not will it be supported in v8 (and when).

            If there is existing integration with Actinic Express then I will assume there is not a technical issue as to why this PSP can not be added to v7 and v8. Also some other cart vendors seem to have added support quickly.

            The 2 replies from Nadeem and Chris in this thread contradict each other. Also from the look of the Actinic team's comments in a similar thread on this topic there does appear to be some underlying dispute or issue that they'd rather not discuss? Do actinic have an agreement with a competing preferred PSP for example...? Or is it just that you don't want to $pend the time as there is not much call for it yet?

            Come on guys, myself and other users on this forum have, and still are, paying out their hard earned cash for the Actinic product. So please try and be straight and honest when we ask about issues that have an important affect on our business and therefore our livelihoods.

            Kind regards
            Russell King
            Canvas Etc...Stylish Modern <A HREF="">Canvas Art</A>


              I agree with russell

              I to have had a neagative type answer reply asking for intergation being looked in to, but they cant tell me any more info like when it might happen.

              very strange and annoying especially paying so much for the software ???


                I would be extremely cautious taking a Paypal payment from someone that isn't a registered user.
                By being registered with Paypal you have another line of fraud protection against a possible scam form that purchaser.

                Its great to have easy payment methods but this is just asking for future problems in the future IMO.

                Ph: 0845 838 1 839
                Skype: GiftsLine



                  I think you misunderstand what the new PayPal Pro website payments service offers....

                  Its not just about taking payments from PayPal users - its a full 3 in 1 PSP gateway/merchant account/PayPal combination that lets ANYONE pay with just about any card, but also allows paypal users to pay via paypal if they wish. This is PayPal taking on the likes of Protx, Worldpay, SecPay, StreamLine etc but with the advantage that you do not need a separate merchant account and gateway, you simply use your current PayPal account.

                  It means that rather than have 2 places your money goes (Paypal + merchant account) all you funds are in one place.
                  Also I do £1500 + a month with PayPal so the fees aren't bad compared to my current PSP/merchant account setup and I have always found Paypal admin interface easy to use and reliable.



                  For details.

                  I guess you can understand why vendors like myself who already take a fair amount of PayPal payments would be keen for Actinic to integrate.

                  Also, given the ease of setup from a vendors perspective, and the popularity of eBay/Paypal I guess this solution will become very popular in the ecommerce arena, so I guess if Actinic do not support it they'll be missing out on a lot of potential new business....

                  Russell King
                  Canvas Etc...Stylish Modern <A HREF="">Canvas Art</A>


                    Thank you Russell for that though it's costs still don't compare to Protx.

                    For £20 pm I can still have 1,000 orders and then .10p per transaction thereafter. My BMS merchant account is significantly cheaper than Paypal and I would have to do in excess of £15k with them to approach BMS rates.

                    What Paypal orders come in can go through the old system for just the commission charge. Otherwise I would be paying out twice for splinting the gateways. So Paypal are angling for a one solution package to steer you away from you current gateway provider.

                    I'm holding off on this one as I would like to see what Sage do with Protx first.

                    Thanks Duncan
                    Ph: 0845 838 1 839
                    Skype: GiftsLine


                      We are currently looking into PayPal Pro as well and would love for it to be integrated into a future release of V8


                        Come on Actinic, a response please??


                        I agree PayPal aren't the cheapest for many people, but unfortunately not all of us have years of trading history with which to negotiate good merchant rates, or indeed the time to setup new merchant accounts and integrate PSP's.

                        Time is money, and the bottom line is PayPal pro would be a cost effective solution for my business and I'm sure many many others who simply do not have the time or inclination to mess around with a PSP/Merchant account setup.

                        Anyway I'm still waiting (and it appears so are others here) for any sort of response in this thread from Actinic???

                        Will Paypal pro be supported in v7 ? if not will it be supported in v8?

                        Russell King
                        Canvas Etc...Stylish Modern <A HREF="">Canvas Art</A>


                          Sorry Russell, I've been out of the office for the last couple of days.

                          I'm afraid I cannot give any more details on this. There are significant technical, legal and licensing ramifications of doing this integration with Paypal. It is being looked at but I cannot tell you any more than that at the moment.


                            I've been out of the office for the last couple of days.
                            i guess thats called the weekend?


                              Originally posted by cdicken
                              Sorry Russell, I've been out of the office for the last couple of days.

                              I'm afraid I cannot give any more details on this. There are significant technical, legal and licensing ramifications of doing this integration with Paypal. It is being looked at but I cannot tell you any more than that at the moment.
                              Of course the legal and licensing will be huge. Ebay want to make money not make it easy or deal with serious issues on their own site. Paypal is a cash cow and is related to US pricing not competitive worldwide pricing.

                              Off soapbox

                              Ph: 0845 838 1 839
                              Skype: GiftsLine

