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Error in transferring files

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    Error in transferring files


    I'm writing on behalf of someone who is experiencing a problem updating their Actinic website. I don't have Actinic currently installed on my PC, so I can't resolve it myself, so I'm relying on some kind soul out there to help
    Here's the message they've sent me:

    Have tried to update our website and after the initial steps are ticked, it then seems to hang at "sending base files". It then times out and I get the message below.

    An error occurred while transferring files to the web site.

    Possible Cause:
    Network timed out
    Network is down
    FTP server is down
    Remote server disk is full
    The permissions on the file or directory on the remote
    server are locked
    If the file being sent is a CGI script
    ( or someone else may be
    using the same CGI script ID as you.
    Re-establish your network connection
    Be sure the FTP server is running
    Try re-installing the web site when the network is not so busy
    Make sure the disk is not full on the remote server
    Make sure the website and cgi-bin directories
    on the remote server are writable
    Make sure the files in the cgi-bin and website are writable
    Make sure your CGI script ID in the Advanced |
    Network Setup... dialog is unique for your web serv er.


    Any ideas why this is happening and how to cure it?

    Thanks in advance,

    Re-establish your network connection
    Be sure the FTP server is running
    can you connect via FTP
    Try re-installing the web site when the network is not so busy
    try again later
    Make sure the disk is not full on the remote server
    ask your host
    Make sure the website and cgi-bin directories
    on the remote server are writable
    Make sure the files in the cgi-bin and website are writable
    check permissions on cgi-bin (755) and acatalog(777)

    Make sure your CGI script ID in the Advanced |
    Network Setup... dialog is unique for your web server.
    run the network set up wizard

