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component qty not tied to main product

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    component qty not tied to main product

    Hi everyone -

    I understand that the component quantity is usually always tied to the quantity of the main product.

    I'm using components to give our visitors an option to make a donation to our non-profit organization. Any tricks for forcing the quantity of the component to always be 1?

    Thanks - Jen

    Just thinking a bit laterally, could you use the 'Handling' charge in 'Business Settings | Shipping and Handling' to charge an additional set amount per order? Or do you want a new donation to be added for each different item in the store?


      The donation amount is optional -- from nothing to $1000 -- the components are set up as a pull-down and they can choose from a set of choices of amounts. (Most of our items on the website are free, and we use the shipping/handling rules to calculate shipping charges.) The problem is that the user might choose to give $10, then decide he or she wants two copies of the book, and then their donation is doubled too. I'd rather force the component quantity to always be 1.

      Thanks - Jen


        I suggest, then, that you use a separate product for this donation. Put it anywhere in the store, and then just have links to click on with all your products that link to this 'Donation' product.


          Thanks Chris -

          Sorry to push on with this. We do have separate products for Donations as well. The point of having it as a componant is that it is right there as they scroll down for the "Add to Cart" button, and don't need to go off and make extra clicks in order to make a donation. They can donate with a single click. It's actually been very successful.

          So, I really do want to force the componant quantity to be 1. I don't care if it's a really "back-door" solution, doing some programming, etc.

          Thanks for any help you can offer.



            Well, I cannot recommend any programming solutions, as I am not a programmer, but one thing you could do is create a component for the product and a component for the donation amount. Then create choices for the 'product component' for how many of the product people want to order. You could then use the 'Permutations' tab of the component to asign a different cost to each amount. Then, people could specify product quantity seperately from donation amount. You would have to apply the fix in the knowledge base here, however, to stop the component quantities from appearing in the shopping cart.

