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How to download from server

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    How to download from server

    I just started with Actinic and the client has a pre-existing store on his server. I want to download that pre-existing store and modify it. How do I get it from the server to a local folder on my computer. Also, where should such a folder be located?


    The site which is online is not transferable down to the PC as the online site contains destination versions of the files, settings and the like, with the development machine having the access Db of all of the products, settings, shipping calculators and the like, so you will need to get a snapshot from the client of there site as it is now afraid..


      Actinic generates the web pages from a number of html templates that work at different levels. The main ones are the primary templates that define the top level look and feel and the product templates that define how the product details are laid out.

      You cannot download an existing site and extract the template information, so your best bet would be to try and get hold of the original template files. failing that you'll need to learn how to use actinic and try to recreate the templates from the existing pages. It won't be easy though, which is why I recommend getting hold of the original template files.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling




        I was afraid of that.

