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Hiding Elements from Retail Customers

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    Hiding Elements from Retail Customers

    I am going round in circles trying to sort out this seemingly simple bit of code - please can anyone help.

    I am following the instructions below from page 61 of the advanced users guide, and trying to hide text in the primary template from retail customers and show it to logged in customers. The instructions say....

    Place the following tags before the code:
    …and put these after the code:
    This will mean that the HTML comment marks will only appear for unregistered customers, and hence the content will be hidden from them.

    So I have tried
    <h1>&nbsp;<Actinic:NOTINB2B>Wholesale </Actinic:NOTINB2B> <font color="#8D0017">Gifts and Giftware</font></h1>

    which does exactly the opposite of what I hoped it would do. It hides the word Wholesale from the logged in customer and shows it to the retail customer

    and I have tried
    <Actinic:NOTINB2B><!--</Actinic:NOTINB2B>Wholesale <Actinic:NOTINB2B>--></Actinic:NOTINB2B>

    which hides the word Wholesale from everyone.

    Please can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

    Cheers, Jane
    Jane Davies

    Hi Jane,

    Can you take a look at the Knowledge Base article on this plese...

    Hope it helps,
    Bruce King


      I have been working from this document and using the code there -

      If you have a design element in your site that you only want to show to registered customers, and hide from retail customers, then you need place the following tags before the code:


      ...and put these after the code:


      But it does the oposite of what it says - hiding the content between the tags from the logged in customer.

      Please advise
      Jane Davies


        Hi Jane

        Looking at the knowledge base article, have you set up the example,
        Example: -
        To display a text link only for logged in customers.
        This example assumes that you have 3 price schedules defined and that they are 2, 3 and 4.
        HTML="&#60;A HREF=&#34;Basic_Products.html&#34;&#62; &#60;B&#62;Basic Products&#60;&#47;B&#62;&#60;&#47;A&#62;"/>
        Most important part of this code is the following
        If you want to show content to specific customer groups only, then you need to use the Actinic XML tag SHOWFORPRICESCHEDULE which may be inserted into any of the templates including the checkout pages.

        To have the information displayed only for logged in customers use the format: -

        Schedules="Price schedule IDs"
        HTML="Information to be displayed"/>
        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development

