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Site licensing under Actinic Developer - help please!

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    Site licensing under Actinic Developer - help please!


    We are considering an upgrade from Actinic Business to Developer and wondered if someone in the community could explain how multiple sites are licensed and managed? We have an existing web site ( which we are looking to split into two parts to represent the key product groups. We have also downloaded the trial of Developer but it's not obvious whether this approach would be more / less flexible than buying a second site license for Actinic Business.

    Any help / opinions would be most appreciated.

    Kate Hare
    Albany Hill - Beautiful Gifts You'll Want to Keep

    if you search in the forum on the keywords license and developer your question and all its variations have already been addressed


      Under the trial of Developer you can not licence multiple trial sites, so is effectively a copy of Business, i.e. 1 trial licence site.

      Under licenced Developer usage you have the ability to create new sites using the same licence key which then enables you to build and maintain yourself as many sites as you wish or can operate, however it does not give you a licence to develop sites and give away developer to the client, as only you can use the single licenced copy of developer.

      In situations where you are developing the site and maintaining it, with the separate client conducting order download and processing only, then you develop it in your Developer and get a copy of Order Manager to enable the customer to do the order download side of things.

      If you want to hand it all over the to client at the end of it all, then they will need either Catalog or Business, dependant on the features used within the site you have developed, i.e. what you build may show the coupons ability, but if the site operator has Catalog, then they will not be able to continue with coupon usage.

      If you are running all these for yourself and 2 sites want Business abilities, then Developer is the way ahead for you in that respect.

      Hope that explains a few bits for you.


        Developers & Orders

        Originally posted by Support@Techno-
        If you are running all these for yourself and 2 sites want Business abilities, then Developer is the way ahead for you in that respect.
        The above suggests that with Developer you can not only design, manage and upload multiple sites BUT that you can pull down and process orders from multiple sites as well.

        Is this correct??? or do all sites developed using developer need order manager to download their orders?

        I would appreciate this being clarified




          In Developer you have the ability to switch between the various sites you have created - once you have opened the desired site you can alter, upload and download orders - it is like having numerous versions of Business installed but accessed through 1 interface

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Originally posted by jont
            In Developer you have the ability to switch between the various sites you have created - once you have opened the desired site you can alter, upload and download orders - it is like having numerous versions of Business installed but accessed through 1 interface
            So can business only support one site like catalog?

            We are looking to upgrade as we will currently have a requirement to upload and download to three different URL's.


              Business is for single sites only, yes, so is just the same as Catalog in this respect but with the Business features.

              Developer is the only one with mutliple site abilities, all with Business functionality available to them.


                Okey, so just to get this clear in my mind, what's the "License new site" option? Which we currently have under "Files" in our v6 Catalog product.


                  Buy a new copy of Catalog and instead of actually installing the software, simply licence the new site using the key that comes within the CD case.

                  So, you can run as many Catalogs and Business sites (also Developer) within the same installed application, you just need the licence key to enable them, so for Catalog/Business sites, a key for each one, or for Developer the same key as issued with the Developer software to run your own multiple sites.


                    Oooooooooops correction - You can only licence v6 sites within v6 application, should have mentioned that...

                    So, just to make sure - you can licence v6 sites within the v6 application using licences purchased from Actinic and partners, but for v7 sites you need to install the software once again (v7 install) to then do the v7 sites... If that makes sense...


                      Okey I think I have got it. So to recap.

                      1) We have v6 Catalog and have access to just one site

                      2) We upgrade to v7 Business and still have access to just one site

                      3) We then purchase another License and do the "License new site" option

                      4) So we can then access two sites (URL's?) from that one machine? Correct?



                        You can also run different versions on the same machine, i.e. separate operations of v4, v5, v6 & v7, so unless you are updating your v6 to get features from v7, you could keep running your v6 site asis, and buy the new v7 for your 2nd site, but if you go the way of v7 for all, then 1 application and you can (with 2 v7 licences) operate from the same application by switching sites within the application under its File | Sites option.


                          Ah, that's a lot clearer now.

                          One final question with the multi-user Business version, I am correct in saying that the initial license covers two PC's and you can have multiple sites on both PC's.


                            As far as I am aware, Multi User Business, is the same as standard business, i.e. a single site but with the ability to manage it from a large number of PCs, so not Developer multi user, but business, so a single site.

                            If anyone can say whether this understanding is incorrect, but believe this is how it works.


                              Yes - multi-user is not multi-site ... it just allows more than 1 user (computer) to work on the same site.

                              To clear up:

                              Catalog & Business only allow 1 site per license. 1 license = 1 site
                              Developer allows multiple sites from the 1 license

                              To get more sites you need to either buy another copy (license) of Catalog or Business (single or multi-user) or go for Developer. If you are wanting several sites there is obviuosly a point where developer beomes a better option than buying another license of Business or Catalog.

                              Many site developers actually only own the 1 copy and then use their clients license to work on their site before handing it back over - this is permitted as the 1 license is being used on the 1 site.


                              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

