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ok..getting in a tizzy!

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    ok..getting in a tizzy!

    Right,, in a nutshell (prob a large one, mind you!)

    Have one site CatV7.0.2
    One site CatV6.
    Upgrading CatV6 site to BUSINESS V7.

    Had no problems adding second V7 (bus) license into V7.0.3 installation and imported CatV6 snapshot without problems (hooray!!)

    So, main PC was fine!

    On to laptop (which will be the one running the BusV7 site when it is live)
    No Actinic on Laptop so installed V7(.0.3..was the disk provided by Actinic)

    I have some concerns about having differently assigned websites on each computer (on PC, catV7 is site1, BusV7 is siteJ) so wanted to install my catV7 first by importing snapshot.

    It wouldn't let me use my authorisation key that I have for my CatV7 site? The disks are all the same aren't they? I mean from a Catalog or Business point of view?
    I wanted to put in my CatV7 license and get that on there as Site1 so I can then add the new business licensed site as SiteJ, same as PC (planned to upgrade both installations to V7.0.4 or, at least, upgrade PC one to .0.3)

    Is there any reason why it would say that my key is invalid?

    I'm reluctant to have one site named site1 on the PC and the other one called Site1 on the laptop in case it mucks up the filepaths to images etc in the Actinic7 folder?

    What's the best way round it? (see my next post re trouble with 7.0.3-4 upgrade!!)

    Hi Tracey

    Have your sorted out this issue with Actinic Support, or is it ongoing?

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      well, this issue has kinda been sorted, yes...
      still working on the coupons though.. not sure what's going on there!
      Thanks Nadeem


        Hi Tracey

        Our Support team give you an amended "Act_Primary.html" template which you need to put in your site folder. Did you do this and update the site?

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          I did, Nadeem
          But I've had to removed the option to show the coupon entry in both the store pages and the cart.
          I didn't like it in the store pages, too cluttered... and when I selected to show it in the cart, it displayed the attached.. (my cart uses Act_Primary.html as its template)
          Also, none of the buttons in the cart worked! Clicking on "update" (when trying to remove an item) "Checkout now" or "cancel" did nothing!
          So I've reverted back to just showing the coupon entry in the checkout (Act_Order01) and not the cart.


            Hi Tracey

            Go into "Design | Option | Layout" and change the "View Cart" to "Alternative Overall Layout (for 'view cart' page)". This should give you what you want.

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              I'm not getting that as an option, NAdeem.
              All I have is
              1) Actinic Original Primary Template (which is what it is set on, I like to keep the store look at checkout)
              2) Primary template for checkout (no menu bar). I did try this but it looked really bad! Colours were very oddball and the overall look was unprofessional.
              3) Printer friendly receipt template

              That's all I have. For now, I've just reverted back to just displaying the coupon code at checkout (invoice address page)
              I'd ideally like it to be prompted at the confirm "add to cart" stage. I do think that's where it'd be best placed.
              You know, when you've clicked "add to cart" and then you get the confirmation page (which also request the location information)
              any chance of getting it into that page?


                Hi Tracey

                any chance of getting it into that page?
                I'm afraid it is not possible to get it on this page within the current version of Actinic. Currently Actinic does not understand some of the variables for the coupon code to show up.

                Kind Regards
                Nadeem Rasool
                SellerDeck Development


                  that's a shame, it would be a logical place to display it!

                  Is there anywhere on that "add-to-cart" confirmation page (whichever page/template it is) that I could display text the the effect of...
                  "If you have a discount code, you will be asked for this during the checkout procedure."
                  Just so customers know they WILL get their discount!


                    Hi Tracey

                    Sorry, but please check this. Open your "Act_ShoppingCart.html" Please can you compare your coupon code with the following:

                    HTML Code:
                    <!-- coupon entry begins -->
                          <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
                              <td valign="top">
                               <input type="TEXT" name="COUPONCODE" size="15" maxlength="255" value="NETQUOTEVAR:COUPONCAPTION" onFocus="this.value='';'#FFFFFF'">
                    <!-- coupon entry ends -->
                    I'm thinking you have a missing variable. Please check this. Plus also doublecheck if you selected "Coupon Code Entry In Shopping Cart" in "View | DIscounts and Surcharges"

                    Kind Regards
                    Nadeem Rasool
                    SellerDeck Development


                      I'm thinking you have a missing variable. Please check this. Plus also doublecheck if you selected "Coupon Code Entry In Shopping Cart" in "View | DIscounts and Surcharges"

                      Kind Regards
                      It looks right to me?
                      I do have it ticked now (I think!) but I've changed my Act_Primary (which the cart is using) back to the original before I had an amended copy sent out.
                      TBH, it displays ok now (I think!)
                      Main issue with it now is that I just would like to add in some text, at the add to cart confirmation page, notifying customers that they will be able to give their coupon details at checkout. In case they are wondering..LOL


                        Hi Tracey

                        Try the following, go to "Advance | Template Manager". Click on "Ordering" along the top then you could see a button that says "Order Details.". Click on this, and it should bring up the "Act_OrderDetail.html" template.
                        Find the following text:
                        <!-- Preliminary Information HTML end -->
                        Now after this, put the added text in. This should work

                        Kind Regards
                        Nadeem Rasool
                        SellerDeck Development

