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    Thanks Norman, that works beautifully. I now have a spreadsheet that pulls in the products from actinic, filters them for 'can be ordered online' (to remove the dummy products I use) and sorts them by the last updated field. It also lists the product ID and pagename so I should be able to create links straight to the products.

    When I find some more time I'll try and pull it together to output the top 5 as a txt file that can be loaded straight into the page.


    PS. If anyone knows an action that will force actinic to update the 'last updated' field then that would be handy. I tend to copy and edit existing products quite a lot and it would be handy if I could change the last updated field without having to edit the database directly.

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Mike - you can create an update query in access to replace the last updated field with current date and time - paste this into a new query in access
      UPDATE Product SET Product.[Last update] = Now();
      or build it in design mode as shown in the attached. Now() -1 will give you 1 day ago, Now() -0.5 will give you 12 hours ago, Now()-0.25 will give you 6 hours ago. (i.e. each integer = 24 hours).
      Attached Files
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        I'm afraid i didn't do anything as clever as that as my director wanted to choose what went onto the bestsellers list!

        i simply created a table in html with the correct images and hyperlinks.

        let me know if i can help you further.



          Thanks Bill, I was hoping to avoid making changes directly to the database but that may be the only way of doing it.

          Maybe I'll combine the database with a 'manual' select option. i.e. the spreadsheet will list all the products in the database by when added and then the user has the option to indicate specific products they want included in the list and where they want them to appear.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


