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"Free over" question

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    "Free over" question


    I think I've found another shipping problem with Actinic, and I hope this one will also be looked at and dealt with in v8 (along with allowing free shipping over a certain amount just in the UK )

    Below, I've pasted in an actual order that shows the problem.

    We have "free shipping over £150".
    We sell items that are vatable and non-vatable.

    This "free over" feature seems to include VAT. We first did a calculation of £127.66, so in effect anyone who bought stuff worth £127.66 or more (plus VAT) got free shipping.

    However, it got sticky when people were buying books or foods (not vatable) alongside items that were vatable.

    The order below highlights this. The total order inc VAT is over £150, but the total order before VAT is under, so the "free over" didn't kick in (complaints from customer etc).

    Can anyone iron this out, or help me find a logical solution?





    EY0005 Raw Yoga Video 1 £17.01 £17.01

    F0 Maca, organic, powdered, raw 1 £7.00 £7.00
    001 Bag Size - Choice: 100g - 1

    F1 Goji berries, raw, vegan 1 £25.95 £25.95
    048 Bag size - Choice: 1k - 1

    S0003 Nature's Biotics (soil based 1 £21.23 £21.23
    organisms): raw, vegan

    IM0021 Ionic (angstrom) water of 1 £17.40 £17.40
    life: vegan

    F0063 Cashew nuts, raw, organic, 1 £12.50 £12.50

    F0037 Yaoh mixed selection of raw 1 £17.95 £17.95
    food bars: raw, organic,

    HO0001 Saladacco -- spiral slicer 1 £21.23 £21.23
    Subtotal: £140.27
    Shipping (Standard): £6.00
    VAT: £13.47
    Total: £159.74

    Hi Valerie,

    Yes this can be a problem when you use 'vatable' and 'non-vatable' goods. What we can do is make the shipping costs work on the cost of the order + VAT and then it will determine whether the 'free over' option should apply. To do this:

    - first take a backup of 'c:\program files\actinic v7\sites\site1\
    - then open this file in a text editor such as notepad
    - search for: CallShippingPlugIn($pCartList
    - you will see...

    my @Response = CallShippingPlugIn($pCartList, $nOrderAdjustedSubTotal);
    - Comment out this line and add 2 lines so that it now reads...

    # my @Response = CallShippingPlugIn($pCartList, $nOrderAdjustedSubTotal);
    my $nShipBasis = $nOrderAdjustedSubTotal + $nOrderAdjustedSubTotalTax1 + $nOrderAdjustedSubTotalTax2;
    my @Response = CallShippingPlugIn($pCartList, $nShipBasis);
    - Search again for 'CallShippingPlugIn($pCartList' and make the same change as above.

    - Save and exit.
    - Update the site.

    The shipping will now be based on the cart sub-total + VAT. Note that this
    is the VAT on the Cart and does not include the Shipping and Handling VAT.

