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Adding to cart gives Server Error

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    Adding to cart gives Server Error


    A friend has a problem with their Actinic site.

    They recently tried to upload the site but due to a suspected problem with their ISP, the upload was timing out whilst sending the base files.

    Now they're not experiencing any problems with the upload, but when anyone tries to add any item to their cart they receive a server error.

    They've spoken to the site host (which is not their ISP) and they say everything on the server seems to be fine. They suggest that the files in the CGI-Bin that Actinic calls when adding an item to the cart may have become corrupt when the upload was timing out and suggests uploading them again.

    Is it true that the contents of the CGI-Bin aren't uploaded when a site upload is performed?

    If this may be the problem, how would someone go about uploading all the CGI-Bin contents again?

    All help is appreciated!


    Sounds like the ActinicOrder and/or OrderScript are corrupt. You can replace these from the originals folder and try uplaoding the site or may be better to Help | Troubleshooting | Website Purge and Refresh ... after checking there are no orders sitting there!

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      or login to the webserver locate the cgi-bin and remove the actinic pl files (the ones with 000001 at the end) and then do a site upload. this way just the cgi scripts will be replaced.

      If you are not confident about doing this then a site refresh is the way to go


        Thanks everyone

        Thanks for your collective advice.

        I've passed it on to my friend and he's going to carry out a purge (after checking for orders!)


