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Setup problems

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    Setup problems

    Yes, this is a regular problem, and I have not found the answer to my problems in past posts.

    Just moved to a ProLiant DL360G4 with RHES Linux 4 and Apache 2 and trying to get both our sites working.

    In 'Configure Web Site Details'..
    The web root directory path to acatalog I want for one site is /path/to/web/join/ but I get a message saying 'An error occurred while sending an HTTP request to the web server.'

    If I use /path/to/web/ then it accepts it and the wizards completes OK. But this puts /acatalog off the web root, and I want /join/acatalog, as I also want site 2 to be /sales/acatalog.

    So I ran with /path/to/web and ran the 'Test' in Advanced | Network Setup, and promptly got an error that the CGI scripts are not executing properly, and to run Configure Web Site Details. I had already done this successfully.

    Since other scripts in the cgi-bin are working OK then that must be configured correctly.

    Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
    Bob Isaac
    Director/Web Admin
    Volvo Owners Club Ltd

    Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2

    Hi Bob,

    If I use /path/to/web/ then it accepts it and the wizards completes OK. But this puts /acatalog off the web root, and I want /join/acatalog, as I also want site 2 to be /sales/acatalog.
    So have you created the /sales/acatalog/ folder manually, set the permission to 777 on both of these folders?
    Without seeing the structure of the folder via ftp it would be hard to see where it is going wrong. Have you contacted Actinic Support, and let them try to configure the network settings for you?

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      I had created /home/path/to/web/join/ and /home/path/to/web/shop/, as on our previous server, where setup created /join/acatalog and /shop/acatalog.

      However, on the new server, running 'Configure Web Site Details' returned an error that HTTP could not find that path. But if I used /home/path/to/web/ it would, but would then create /web/acatalog, which is not what I want.

      Anyway, I decided to try and upload the sites to /web/join/ and /web/shop/, and they both uploaded correctly. I got an error at the end of each upload that the web site merge had failed, but that may be linked to the CGI error I am getting. That is being looked into by the ISP as it appears to be a CGI error only for Actinic and not any other scripts as they are working correctly.
      Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
      Bob Isaac
      Director/Web Admin
      Volvo Owners Club Ltd

      Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2

