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Shipping table issues

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    Shipping table issues

    I have 3 suppliers and I need to set prices for each supplier. The price is different for each state. For each supplier Maryland would have a different price. That goes for every state. On my site I prefer to have it look like there are no different suppliers and have all the products placed on the site together.

    I would like it to be able to determine how to charge for shipping at the moment the state is chosen. I cannot seem to get it to work properly. Does anyone have any advice or information that would lead me to a solution? It seems Actinic does not allow for simple solutions when it comes to shipping so I hope some one has come across a similar situation.


    ANy ideas??

    Would love if some one had a great idea for me...thanks!

    I tried making each suppliers product a different weight 0.01, .1.00, and 100 pounds. That didnt work.........

    Love some suggestions


      I assume your suppliers are shipping straight to your customer?

      Setting to ship by weight should work (assuming you have a flat rate for shipping) but you may need to space your weights further in the products eg:

      Supplier A : 0.01lbs
      Supplier B : 100lbs
      Supplier C : 10000lbs

      and then set your shipping price bands accordingly eg:


      99lbs = $10.00
      9999lbs = $15.00
      10000lbs = £20.00

      set "take highest vlaue in table"

      You can break this down much further if the suppliers are charging you on a weight basis so the more people add the higher the charge.

      The obvious issue is when people add items across suppliers which will then result in the $20.00 band being triggered. This is then very complex and it would probably be worth considering setting a single shipping rate to cover all suppliers (negotiate them down to the same price if possible) taking a weighted average geared slightly over your most popular product supplier.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



        This looks like something I can work with. You think this can work if there are around 5 shipping areas per supplier?


          There should be no reason it will not work .. other than a bit of number crunching your end to work out all the various shipping costs to build in.

          Simply set the new shipping zones (or classes) under View | Business Settings | Shipping & Handling | Shipping Bands and right click to add new. Add your 5 areas accordingly and then go through each adding your weight breaks and charges for each supplier

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

