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Dodgy template?

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    Dodgy template?

    OK, I'm having big problems getting the layout I want for some of these products (Bus V7)
    I have a product, a motocycle undertray, which has lots of optional extras.
    Thing is, I can't find a decent product layout that doesn't look...well.. quite frankly..crap!
    I usually use image on right/left and the text/add to cart on opposite side but, with lots of optional extras (as components) it just squeezes them into the same half column space as the description where the component names don't fit and look poor.

    So, I thought I'd add an "Undertray Add-ons" product with the components to each undertray page. Not a problem.

    Thing is, I can't find a suitable template to use even WITHOUT a product image
    I tried the logical "no image, laid out in rows" (which is using my Act_Productlinetable as attached) but it displays as if the image should be there (see attached utaddons.gif)

    The only other layout options I'm getting are
    Description Only
    Large image on left
    one product per row, image on left
    one product per row, image on right
    product name and description only.

    Obviously, none of these are suitable.

    Now, in previous versions (V5, I think?) I used to have a "vertically centered text" option.
    Would this work any better? If so, how would I add it to the list of options?

    Ideally, I'd prefer the optional addons to appear with each undertray but it seems that's not going to work. (I seem to recall someone else posted recently about the poor look of a list of components) so, if I can sort out a suitable layout for the add-ons as a standalone "product" that'd be great!

    Thanks in advance

    <!-- ProductLine HTML begin -->
    <!-- Insert HTML for the top of the individual product -->
    NETQUOTEVAR:INCLUDE Act_ProductSeparator.html

    <td valign="TOP" align="LEFT">NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTIMAGE</td>
    <a name="NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTANCHOR"><span class="actregular"><b>NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME</b></span></a>
    <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREF <br>
    <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:OTHERINFOPROMPT </span>
    <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVARATEPROMPT </span>
    <span class="actregular"> NETQUOTEVAR:CARTERRORXML </span> <span class="actxsmall">

    <!-- Insert HTML for the bottom of the individual product -->
    <!-- ProductLine HTML end -->
    try this

    layout has an image at the top in its own row, you can center it if you prefer

    2nd row has all the other info left aligned

    you'll have to correct the smiley - : D


      Thanks Jo.
      That didn't quite do what I wanted either
      I did find a centered template (it wasn't in the drop down list but I found it eventually!) and that looks like the attached screenshot
      It's still no good like that though.
      There are large gaps (presumably one is for an image, which I'm not really wanting to use) and the components aren't showing as expected either.
      I'd really like the indicators to show the text and drop down on the same line but nothing I do seems to get that result.
      So, 2 questions.. how do I remove the white space above and below the title?
      2) Can I get the drop down box for the indicators to display NEXT to the text and not below.
      I'm getting in a right muddle with this


        OK use the template manager within actinic to identify which template you should be editing, you need the variants which control the ddbs etc

        there will be a <br> in one of them


          OK...I've had a play (thank goodness the 5yo entertains the a point!)
          I've removed reference to the image which has taken some space away
          It's still not quite as I'd like though and there is still a significant amount of white space below the product name.
          I want to know how to get the drop downs alongisde the indicator must be possible?
          I might, in time, reinstate the image as it could be used to display the options themselves but, for now, I just want to remove the spaces and get the framework looking right.
          I've attached a current screenshot.. it's mainly the space below the title and layout of the dropdowns that concerns me?


            oooh. I found it!
            Totally not where I thought it'd be though...
            Now if I can just locate the space between the title and components...

            ahhhhhh...sussed it!
            Just realised that although I removed the image space, I left in the description space even though we don't use a description.

            Can you use hyperlinks in component html?
            Just wondering whether it's possible to hyperlink each add-on to it's description (or, at least, location) in the catalogue?


              Originally posted by budgetbumps
              Can you use hyperlinks in component html?
              Just wondering whether it's possible to hyperlink each add-on to it's description (or, at least, location) in the catalogue?
              OK, trial and error...answer..yes!
              I know we had a thread some time ago about linking directly to products as opposed to just the pages...
              I have most of the info from it but, can someone tell me, what character do I use to convert a SPACE in the product ref?
              Tracey (getting there!)


       addition to knowing how to convert a space... my center product template seems to be centering everything except the image?
                Could somebody spare the time to take a look at the attached template, please, and see if they can work out what is wrong?


                  Tracey, try this small change

                  <td colspan="3">
                  		<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
                  		<tr><td valign="TOP" align="CENTER" height="NETQUOTEVAR:HEIGHT" width="100%">
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