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Search Help Please

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    Search Help Please

    Hi, i have a site running catalog v6, we sell sweets. I am looking at V7 business, have the demo.
    What i would like to be able to do is have a drop down box on every page that conatins a list of flavours. Strawberry,cola,lemon,lime etc...
    The idea is that when a customer selects 'lemon' they are taken to a page that lists all product with lemon in them.
    Would i be best in creating a custom property called 'flavours' or can v7 search the product headings and return the results.
    The main problem i have is that some products can be two flavours, ie rhubarb and custard. Would 2 custom propertys be best? flavour 1 and flavour 2.
    Or am i over complicating things.
    Also what code would i need to enter for a drop down box.
    I use dreamweaver and can create the drop menu but the code to call the search i am not sure on.
    Thanks in advance.
    Treasure Island Sweets

    I know Business has searchable custom properties, but not too sure on Catalog v6, so you will need to dig in your version on that, but by using a single custom property called 'Flavour' and then assigning a value at each product for that property, will provide the basis from which to enable what you are after. You would need to ensure that you create your values all the same case, i.e. Strawberry and strawberry will be shown as separate entities in the drop down I will explain next....

    The means to enable this within Actinics search ability is to go into the View | Search settings and enable the option called "Search on Custom Properties", where you can assign some visual 'marker' bits and pieces for its display in the search page (Feature being capable in Catalog v6 ofcourse)...

    Then, if you upload your site to your server and then view the source for the Search page you will have the HTML you need to add it to the overall template of your site.

    An idea on how to achieve, but sorry can not recall if searchable custom properties is included in Catalog v6, but as you are looking at Business v7 anyway, it is definately included in there.

    Hope it helps.


      Hi. thanks. will do some digging!
      Treasure Island Sweets


        hi. i have been trying to copy the drop down menu from the search page and include on the left hand side of my overall design page. I only require the drop down menu, no text around it, I have tried copying some of the generated html but not having much luck getting it to work.
        I do not want a search button next to my custom menu, a jump menu is what i am after, i am not sure which bits of code i need to copy and which bits to leave out.
        The page so far can be viewed at

        You can see my attempted drop down menu in the bottom left box.

        many thanks
        Treasure Island Sweets


          If the pages have the same names and are all the same case as the select options, then you can try this
          <SELECT ONCHANGE="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
          <OPTION VALUE="Aniseed.html">Aniseed
          <OPTION VALUE="Apple.html">Apple
          <OPTION VALUE="Banana.html">Banana
          <OPTION VALUE="Blackberry.html">Blackberry
          <OPTION VALUE="Blackcurrant.html">Blackcurrant
          <OPTION VALUE="Butterscotch">Butterscotch
          <OPTION VALUE="Caramel.html">Caramel
          <OPTION VALUE="Cherry.html">Cherry
          <OPTION VALUE="Chocolate.html">Chocolate
          <OPTION VALUE="Cinnamon.html">Cinnamon
          <OPTION VALUE="Coconut.html">Coconut
          <OPTION VALUE="Cola.html">Cola
          <OPTION VALUE="Custard.html">Custard
          <OPTION VALUE="Herbal.html">Herbal
          <OPTION VALUE="Lemon.html">Lemon
          <OPTION VALUE="Lime.html">Lime
          <OPTION VALUE="Liquorice.html">Liquorice
          <OPTION VALUE="Mint.html">Mint
          <OPTION VALUE="Nut.html">Nut
          <OPTION VALUE="Orange.html">Orange
          <OPTION VALUE="Peach.html">Peach
          <OPTION VALUE="Pear.html">Pear
          <OPTION VALUE="Pineapple.html">Pineapple
          <OPTION VALUE="Raspberry.html">Raspberry
          <OPTION VALUE="Sour.html" SELECTED>Sour
          <OPTION VALUE="Strawberry.html">Strawberry
          <OPTION VALUE="Toffee.html">Toffee
          if the pagename or case is different, then you need to change the option values - not the displayed test


          Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
          BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
          Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
          VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
          Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


            hi, i tried yout post but it does not work, I somehow need to call the same scripts that are used on the search page when you select a flavour from the serch page drop down menu, i am seaarching on custom propertys applied to each product.

            I have viewed the page source of the serach page but can not decide which bits to leave out and which to include.

            Its a puzzle
            Treasure Island Sweets


              Try this
              <form name=FLAVOUR2 action="" METHOD="GET">
              <SELECT ONCHANGE="SUBMIT;">
              <OPTION VALUE="Aniseed">Aniseed
              <OPTION VALUE="Apple">Apple
              <OPTION VALUE="Banana">Banana
              <OPTION VALUE="Blackberry">Blackberry
              <OPTION VALUE="Blackcurrant">Blackcurrant
              <OPTION VALUE="Butterscotch">Butterscotch
              <OPTION VALUE="Caramel">Caramel
              <OPTION VALUE="Cherry">Cherry
              <OPTION VALUE="Chocolate">Chocolate
              <OPTION VALUE="Cinnamon">Cinnamon
              <OPTION VALUE="Coconut">Coconut
              <OPTION VALUE="Cola">Cola
              <OPTION VALUE="Custard">Custard
              <OPTION VALUE="Herbal">Herbal
              <OPTION VALUE="Lemon">Lemon
              <OPTION VALUE="Lime">Lime
              <OPTION VALUE="Liquorice">Liquorice
              <OPTION VALUE="Mint">Mint
              <OPTION VALUE="Nut">Nut
              <OPTION VALUE="Orange">Orange
              <OPTION VALUE="Peach">Peach
              <OPTION VALUE="Pear">Pear
              <OPTION VALUE="Pineapple">Pineapple
              <OPTION VALUE="Raspberry">Raspberry
              <OPTION VALUE="Sour" SELECTED>Sour
              <OPTION VALUE="Strawberry">Strawberry
              <OPTION VALUE="Toffee">Toffee
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                hi, thanks for the help but it stil does not work, i am sure i need to have something else from the main search page but what i dont know,
                I have seen this line of code in the serach page, why is it calling to my local computer? when the site is uploaded.
                Any ideas

                <Actinic:TEMPLATE type="begin" filename="C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\Act_ResultsTemplate.html"/>

                Treasure Island Sweets


                  If anyone is looking at this for me only the first section on the top left hand side is working, all other sections will through up an eror page, this is to aid quicker uploading whilst testing.
                  Treasure Island Sweets


                    OK this time published to my own website and tested with a submit button, then altered to submit automatically.

                    <!-- Flavour select drop down table begin -->
                    <table width="150" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                            <td height="22" bgcolor="NETQUOTEVAR:PALCOLOR1CSS" background="tab_pal2.gif" class="actsmallheading"> <b>&nbsp;&nbsp;SELECT FLAVOUR</b></td></tr>
                            <tr align="center" valign="middle"> 
                              <td class="thinred2"> 
                                <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
                                  <tr align="center" valign="middle"> 
                    		<form name=simplesearch action="" METHOD="GET">
                    		<tr><td valign=middle align=left> 
                    		<SELECT name="SS" onchange="submitForm() ">		
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Aniseed">Aniseed
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Apple">Apple
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Banana">Banana
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Blackberry">Blackberry
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Blackcurrant">Blackcurrant
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Butterscotch">Butterscotch
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Caramel">Caramel
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Cherry">Cherry
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Chocolate">Chocolate
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Cinnamon">Cinnamon
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Coconut">Coconut
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Cola">Cola
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Custard">Custard
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Herbal">Herbal
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Lemon">Lemon
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Lime">Lime
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Liquorice">Liquorice
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Mint">Mint
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Nut">Nut
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Orange">Orange
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Peach">Peach
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Pear">Pear
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Pineapple">Pineapple
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Raspberry">Raspberry
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Sour">Sour
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Strawberry">Strawberry
                    		<OPTION VALUE="Toffee">Toffee
                    		<td valign=bottom noWrap align=left> 
                    		<input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="PR" VALUE="-1">
                    		<input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="TB" VALUE="A">
                    		<input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="SHOP" VALUE=""></td></tr></form>
                          <!-- Flavour select table end -->
                    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT

