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Product with multipul options *noob help please*

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    Product with multipul options *noob help please*

    Hi, as i stated im a noob and im still trying to get my head around the program.

    I need to figure out how to setup my items. This is what i need to do:

    Im selling kitchen doors, Each door (1 product) needs to have an option for about 30 different sizes that change the price of the product, (not to add on a price but to say.. overwright the price) And i also need to be able to put a quantity box in there.

    So with the options you can choose a door, what size and how many. And for the pricing i need it to calculate the quantity for the shopping cart etc...

    Ive searched the forums and cant really find anything of help. I no about having to create seperate parts for the drop down menu then asigning a price to them. But can someone help me here? is there a quicker way to do this, it takes about 20 mins for me to put one door on and i have a lot of doors to add.

    Thanks for any help! its very much apriciated!

    Hi, yes it is perfectly possible.

    Have a look at the Starter Guide (help drop down) P14. Essentially, create a base product then right click on it and select New Component. This new component enables you to add choices.

    Once the New Component is created, right click again on the component and select New Attribute - this will become, say, the door colour. Once this is set up, right click on the New Attribute and add your choices of colour.

    You can repeat these steps to add another attribute such as size or handle type, so the user will get more than attribute to select when placing an order.

    To change the pricing according to the choices made, you will need get the system to add the prices of the choices together. This starts by completing the table "Permutations" under the component you set up. You will need to enter all the choices available with their prices. Including the base product under Product.

    Once this is done select, Component and a Separate Order Line on the general tab of the component.

    Then, under the orginal product you set up (up one level from the component), select Sum of Component Prices on the general tab. this will add all the selected options together for you.

    Its not easy to begin with, but if you are using a number products with similar products you can cut and paste components easily.

    This guide may not quite be 100% for you, however it should get you started.



