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Order confirmation for different address for delivery

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    Order confirmation for different address for delivery

    Hi everyone,

    We've had a number of complaints lately from customers who have been claiming that they were not receiving their order confirmation emails from us. Obviously the first thing we checked was the 'Send Receipt email to customer' tickbox within Business Settings but that was ticked correctly...

    We then put it down to customers entering an incorrect email address when ordering (it's amazing the percentage of customers who can't type their correct email address in!) - but when we investigated further we found this wasn't always the case either....

    We have each receipt email copied to two seperate addresses so we can check all of the emails that are sent out by Actinic, and checking through those archives with orders we have received complaints about showed that in fact a number of receipt emails aren't being sent at all...

    We've now worked out that the problem orders generally have the same thing in common - that a seperate delivery address to the invoice address has been chosen by the customer. At that point the option to require the customer to enter an email address with their delivery address was not ticked, so we thought that enabling this would solve the problem... it hasn't.
    I have also created test orders and not received email confirmations where the delivery address is seperate to the invoice address, whereas I will always recieve receipt emails under normal circumstances (i.e. one and the same delivery/invoice address).

    Has this come up as a problem for anyone else before? Or is this a known problem and there is a fix we haven't tried? For those interested we are using Actinic Multi-User v7 FFUA (July 2005 build).


    The shop for blank discs

    Hi there

    If you have a look in View | Business settings | Ordering, under the 'Send email copies to:' field, what do you have in there?

    If you have more than one email address in there, make sure it is separated with a space, and not a ;

    That could be what is causing the problem, as the error log for you're website is suggesting there is a ; at the end of one on the email address you are wishing to send receipt copies to, this would cause the receipt email to the customer and the copy not being sent out.

    After making the changes if necessary, upload you're site and test again.

    Hope that helps


      Hi James,

      Thanks, we'll try that. We did have 2 copy email address seperated by a semi-colon. I guess we assumed that because it was farily standard procedure for Microsoft email software that the rule would still apply.

      I'll let you know in due time whether this makes a difference.


      The shop for blank discs

