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Deleting Attributes from the checkout

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    Deleting Attributes from the checkout

    I would like to remove the attributes in the checkout which prompts the user for coupons as I will not be using this function in my store, also I would also like to delete the area titled general information as this is also not need.

    If anyone knows which files I need to edit and how to I would be very greatful

    Many thanks

    Doran Black

    Hi there

    To turn off the coupon code in the checkout, simply go to "View | Discount and Surcharges Settings | Miscellaneous" and untick "Checkout" for "Coupon Codes".

    For the "General Information", you can go into "Design | Text", "Web Site (Cont)", "General Information". Here you can untick the user definabled fields and remove the text for "General Information".

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

