Hello Folks,
I've managed to get rid of the nested tables created by NQV:TOPLEVELSECTIONTOP and although I initially replaced them with Div tags, I'm now using a <br> at the end of eack link. This does the same job as <Div> in forcing the next link to a new line, but uses less code. I assume this is a better approach?
Anyway, I'm having trouble getting CSS to change the size of the text links.
I'm able to adjust the line height using the following:
But if I include font-size:1.5em or font-size:15px it merely increases the spaces between the links without changing the size of the font!
I've stripped out the span class in actsectionsmalltext, so I'm not sure why I can't get the font-size to work.
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong please?
I've managed to get rid of the nested tables created by NQV:TOPLEVELSECTIONTOP and although I initially replaced them with Div tags, I'm now using a <br> at the end of eack link. This does the same job as <Div> in forcing the next link to a new line, but uses less code. I assume this is a better approach?
Anyway, I'm having trouble getting CSS to change the size of the text links.
I'm able to adjust the line height using the following:
.sectlinks {
background: #00CDFE ; line-height:2.5em
background: #00CDFE ; line-height:2.5em
I've stripped out the span class in actsectionsmalltext, so I'm not sure why I can't get the font-size to work.
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong please?