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How can i insert Images into a drop down menu?

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    its been annoying the hell out of me since this afternoon when I first saw this problem being asked on the forum.
    I saw a concept some years ago at DynAPI but its taken me until now 23:00 to track it down - I knew I had seen it, but I just couldn't remember where.

    originally (in version 1) the author showed how to put a check-box next to the option within the drop down/listbox - as you clicked on the option, the checkbox turned on/off.
    I've been to the latest version on their site and they've done some more to it.

    In the example they now offer, you see a "little blue man" next to one of the options
    when you look at the source code, you see lines like:

       lb2.addItem(null,'<h1><img src="images/eicon3.gif">Main Item #1</h1>');
    this effectivly adds a new item to the listbox and puts an icon next to it.

    for the full idea go to:

    alternatively, take a look at:
    its another variation on a theme and if you look at the "products" on the menu, perhaps you could use this.

    anyway, there's a LOT more to it, and it will take quite a bit of coding to make it work for you particular example, BUT with some work, you CAN have an image next to a choice

    I'm hoping its what you are after.

    for any other readers, there's a lot there and some great concpets.




      I've worked out a way to automate adding colours to drop-down choices. All you need to do is add the colour code (like #88aacc) to the HTML for Name field of the choice. E.g.

      Deep red #ff0000
      Plover #88aadd

      I've posted it on
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Kev, Thanks thats exactally what i was looking for. Id seen it somewhere before but couldnt think for the life of me where. would anybody be willing to help me intergrate this into the actinic program, please, as im a complete muppet when it comes to the more advanced programing,

        Norman, thanks for the automated colour drop down, thats a gem. Nothing like being a proactive programmer! What are your thoughts on adapting the code into actinic.

        Idealy the best option would be the one with the image actually in the drop down.

        Once again, thanks for your time and effort on this. Its really caused a stonking headache here!





          If you're positive you need to use this, then I would suggest requesting help from the team who developed the API. It will need a significant amount of work to integrate it into Actinic, and I'm guessing they will be better equiped to help you figure out how it works.

          Not trying to discourage you, but there have been quite a few simpler suggestions that would save you a lot of time and headaches to achieve something very similar.

          Web Development, Actinic Patches, Scripts & more


            What are your thoughts on adapting the code into actinic.
            If that's the DynAPI stuff then I won't have time to look, I'm afraid.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

