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Restrictins on orders based on location

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    Restrictins on orders based on location

    I would like to restrict ordering some of my products based on location. For example, products A, B, C and D can be sold and shipped anywhere in the world. But, products A and B can not be shipped in the UK. If the customer adds products A or B to the cart, selects UK for location and tries to proceed, they should see a message: "Sorry this can not be done!!!"

    I hope my explanation is clear enough. Can someone tell me how to do that please?

    Not sure this is going to be possible at the check out stage. If you have customer accounts you could restrict by product group using the discount/surcharges option but this would be very restrictive.

    Probably best to flag the product against each item saying not able to ship to the UK as this then removes the annoyance of people getting excited about buying the product only to be told at some later stage they are not able to have it shipped to them.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Restrictions on locations


      Did you suss out a way ?

      I also have the same problem .. all products on a site ship to just uk and europe .. however 4 products are for worldwide

      I have given this lots of thought and played around and still not come up with a solution ..

      I did consider drop down menu and set the world shipping locatins as permutations however when it came to the cart the customer is left with uk or europe to select for location .. so anyone from iran would get easily confused .. Also we have shipping and billing set to the same location to stop fraud .. so if the customer was prompted to put any addy in other than thier own then the transaction would fail when it jumps over to protx because the address would not match credit card ..

      Any thoughts greatfully recieved
      s a b b i e t a g e d


      A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..


        Hi there

        But, products A and B can not be shipped in the UK. If the customer adds products A or B to the cart, selects UK for location and tries to proceed, they should see a message: "Sorry this can not be done!!!"
        A way this might be possible is if you use "Weights" in shipping, you could give a high weight to PRODUCT A and B and these weights would not be listed in the UK Class. Just make sure you don't allow excess within "View | Business Settings | Shipping and Handling".

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development



          That is exactly what I did. I have applied particular weights to my products and shipping classes and that did the trick.


            Nice work around Nadeem.

            May also still be worth putting a note against the product regarding shipping destinations to stop people adding and getting through to the cart only to be stopped in their tracks due to the excess weight to their chosen country.

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

