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Shipping Error

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    Shipping Error

    Some of our customers are getting the error message ...your order has exceeded the shipping tables defined by the supplier therefore it is not possible to calculate the shipping costs....
    Within business settings our shipping costs are calculated by weight, and under excess in this section the increment highest value in table button is selected and £x by Y is inserted.
    Any ideas??

    Hi there

    For the customer who are getting this product, have you tried to add the product to the cart and got the error message? Also are these customers based in the UK or aboard, if they are aboard, then check the shipping classes within Shipping and Handling.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      This is a problem that we are experiencing too.
      It is extemely frustrating, as it is hard to replicate, but I know the problem exisits as I have had it happen whilst putting an order through on my own computer. We have only had about 3 or 4 customers report this out of several thousand orders.
      Shipping tables have been checked, and have been same for ages.
      The message comes up after you select country and try to move to next page. It seems unrelated to how many products have been ordered, the weight or country.
      Our shipping tables are set up by weight, and have no upper limit.
      Logging on via a different computer, placing exact same order lets you through without a problem.
      Closing the browser, then reopening it and going back to the cart, also seems to work.
      This is very frustrating as we have no idea how many people are experiencing this, and simply giving up, rather than contacting us.
      It certainly seems to be only an occacsional blip.
      Is there any way it could be related to a busy server?
      ie when the customer moves to the secure server, and its busy, is it possible it can't get to read the shipping tables?
      This is a stab in the dark.
      Any 'real' solution appreciated.


        Have made the following changes to shipping tables to see if this prevents further errors, and provide detail in case anyone else who has hit this problem wants to give it a go:

        1) Changed - "if shipping band not defined" from "do not allow" to "use default charge of"

        this is the most obvious potential culprit, although previous setting should not have caused a problem, as there is no reason for a shipping band not to have been defined, due to the precence of the "excess" setting" ie if weight is higher than defined bands, take highest value in table.

        2) Added new upper weight band of 100kg to all tables. Again, this shouldn't have been necessary, as that is what the "excess setting" is for, but no harm trying.
        So instead of the upper band reading:

        1.96kg = £4.99
        excess - use highest value in table

        I now have:

        1.96kg = £4.99
        100kg = £4.99
        excess - use highest value in table

        (£4.99 being our maximum postage charge).



          I think the problem here was with the "if shipping band not defined" and your changing it from "do not allow" to "use default charge of" was teh key to getting it to work. With this setup, you will not need to use the 100Kg that you have setup in the tables.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King

