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Blog optimisation

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    Blog optimisation

    Hello all,
    I recently started a blog with at
    1-I would like to know if Google rankings, page optimisation, keywords in the work the same way as in any standard webpages ie: Do robots go thru blog pages the same way as any other pages.
    By experience, did news blog on your products bring traffic to your website?
    Many thanks for your help,
    Men's Jewellery & Titanium Watches and Jewellery

    Google do rank and list blogs as I am always finding them when trying to track down some tricking bit of code or design help. Some of the blogs put professional sites to shame with the level of info and content they provide - this can only help through put to sales - I would suggest making the blog not 100 per-cent sales lead and to include more generic things in there also otherwise it can become just another hard sell.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Blogs for Search results?

      Search engines measure quality of search results based on relevance, comprehensiveness, freshness and presentation. Web blogs tend to serve content which is very “Fresh” because blogs are intended to be updated daily, weekly or monthly. There is no doubt that blogs score well on organic search result pages and our own web blog has done very well in bringing in customers through search.

      There is more to blogging then posting other peoples articles and information. You will get best search results if you follow some simple guidelines:

      Relevance – create your own content which is very specific and useful on a particular product or subject. The more information about a single subject the more relevant the article will be for the reader.

      Comprehensiveness – Provide useful information and include images and most importantly links to other sources as links from a blog article can boost your search results. The more information provided about a subject the better.

      Freshness - Date your articles this is critical for search engines and syndication sites who need the latest information on a particular topic.

      Presentation – Embed the weblog into the core design of your website. If you want to be taken seriously by new sources, readers and syndication sites then use the right tools to maximize your results. If your weblog looks like a free ware personal diary type tool then your articles will be frown upon.

      But there is more!

      There is more to life then just writing articles and publishing them to the web. You must set you blog up to work with the “feeds”. Feeds are what syndication sites use to grab and index your article. There are several feed types and I recommend that you create all format types to get the most search engine results from your blog.

      Add the Yahoo! and MSNSearch buttons to your blog page so readers who want your feeds as they are released can get updates from there Yahoo and Msn home page.

      Whets this Syndication thing? Syndication is a way to tell news sources that you have important information about a particular topic available for the news source to use and publish should they so choose. You only have to submit your blog to news sources once and they will “ping your blog” for updates regularly. There are 47 known syndicate sites that we submit our users weblogs too when we set up a new blog.

      The answer is yes blogs index well by major search engines and because the information can be specific and fresh a blog page can do incredibly well with SERPS. Blogging is part of any serious organic search engine optimization plan.

      Need more information:
      Check out our web page for tools we use:
      Or visit our blog for tips on SEO:
      Brian Johnson
      :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
      1-732-528-7635 x203

