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ECI Flag

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    ECI Flag


    Just got back after a hectic 6 months re setting stuff.

    Is Actinic planning anything to satsify the new payment rules coming in this month re the EPI flag and AVS services?

    I am having a tussle with the bank right now and I need to prove I this alongside my https:// then I can accept on-line payments without the PSP.

    New Rules
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    for music, instruments and all that jazz....

    0800 328 5294.

    more on ECI flags

    Recently Visa and MasterCard issued regulations that require all merchants accepting transactions over the Internet to identify those transactions as electronic commerce transactions.

    .... Many processors are just now getting around to adding electronic commerce certifications. If your processor is certified for electronic commerce transactions and you are accepting orders over the Internet then you need to take action

    ....... All Electronic Commerce Transactions require that the Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) Flag is set.

    Does anyone in the UK have the facility to ECI flag a payment accepted on-line or does everyone go via a PSP. I can't be the only one who objects to this.

    I am told that soon the banks and visa/ access will be stopping everyone using CNP transactions unless they have theis. There is a massive fine if people don't comply.

    Is actinic going to include it in an upgrade?

    for music, instruments and all that jazz....

    0800 328 5294.


      This actually is not anything to do with Actinic. The bank requires that the card data you send to them is marked with an ECI flag if the transaction has been taken online. This is done on the PDQ machine, and nothing to do with the Actinic Order.

      What you need to do is ask your bank for a CC terminal which you can enter an ECI flag on when the order has come from Actinic.


        More info can have interesting results.

        Hello Chris

        Thank you for your reply. With more ammo I went back to HSBC.

        They initially said that an ECI flag was needed when the data was put into the machine and downloaded.

        Now it seems they have changed their mind again!

        After telling them I'd buy my own PDQ which does this they have offered me a virtual PDQ at no change from what I pay now. With this I stay on my own web space and still use Actinic payment pages and my https:// (Thank you

        Just shows if you push there is more than "only one - psp - option" I was told at first.

        Sorry for troubling you!

        for music, instruments and all that jazz....

        0800 328 5294.

