Having spent allot of time creating products with multiple permutations, it has now emerged that Actinic is incapable of 'shipping and handling' products that utilise attributes and components.
Although Actinic is capable of calculating an appropriate carriage charge, having downloaded your orders and selected the 'shipping and handling' tab (in your orders area), you'll see all proposed packages are empty.
The only way around this problem is to use 'Sum of Product and Component Prices' in your pricing model. However, this approach creates a double entry in the shopping cart, one for the visible product and one for the hidden selected component, which can be confusing to customers.
Please can Actinic Support tell me if there's away around this infuriating problem.
Many thanks in advance.
Kevin Simpson
Although Actinic is capable of calculating an appropriate carriage charge, having downloaded your orders and selected the 'shipping and handling' tab (in your orders area), you'll see all proposed packages are empty.
The only way around this problem is to use 'Sum of Product and Component Prices' in your pricing model. However, this approach creates a double entry in the shopping cart, one for the visible product and one for the hidden selected component, which can be confusing to customers.
Please can Actinic Support tell me if there's away around this infuriating problem.
Many thanks in advance.
Kevin Simpson