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Can't spread out the body text?

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    Can't spread out the body text?

    Last query of the day - honest!

    I've amended the template or my home page a little to include 2 columns. This is working very well except it's all squeezed into the middle of the page with lots of white space down each side?

    Where do I find the setting which determines the table width for the page fragments in order to get them to fill the page?

    Thanks in advance


    Click on your fragment in Actinic. on the General tab there is a line for Layout with an entry in the box. To the right og this is an edit button. Click the button and the correct template for that fragment will open in notepad (or whatever text editor you have specified). If you want the change to apply to *all* fragments which use the same layout, make your edits and do a save as, change to all files, save.

    If you want the changes to only apply to the fragment you are working with, when you save as, type some extra characters into the name, all files, save, then click the select button alongside edit, and browse for the filename you just created.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
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      Hi Bill, thanks for the reply, sorry for the dealy in response - been on hols!
      I've edited this and the table should be 100% but it still squashes up. It fits perfectly in 800x600 resolution but doesn't spread out for higher resolutions!

      My fragment layout is as follows:
      <!-- TextAndTitle HTML begin -->

      <td colspan="3" valign="top">

      <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="1">
      <td width="199" valign="top">
      <table width="198" height="221" background="square.gif" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
      <tr width=90%><td><div align="center"><font color=white><b><i>New Titles</i></b></font></div></td></tr>
      <tr width=90%><td><font color=white><b>1. Title 1</b></font></td></tr>
      <tr width=90%><td><font color=white><b>1. Title 2</b></font></td></tr>
      <tr width=90%><td><font color=white><b>1. Title 3</b></font></td></tr>
      <tr width=90%><td><font color=white><b>1. Title 4</b></font></td></tr>
      <tr width=90%><td><font color=white><b>1. Title 5</b></font></td></tr>
      <tr width=90%><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>


      <!-- TextAndTitle HTML end -->

      Any ideas? Site is up on a test site if you want to have a look & see what I mean!




        <table width="198"
        this may account for some of the problem...

        where is the test site?


          Thanks Jo but I've sussed it - 2 options that I found were setting the table width to 100% in the brochure page and remove the ACTSDWIDTH reference or changing the ACTSTDWIDTH to 100% in Design | Options | Site Defaults.

