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General Script Error: no valid input parameters

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    General Script Error: no valid input parameters

    Hi everyone -

    I just recently changed ISPs, and today is the first day we're live on a new server after changing dns settings. I am using Actinic Shared SSL. When I try to go to the credit card pages, I get the following error for
    Error: There is no valid input parameters for the script! Check the referencing HTML code!
    Press your browsers back button and try again...

    Any thoughts?
    Thanks - Jen

    Has your domain or cgi-bin name changed at all.

    The Actinic Shared SSL system uses a referer method of authenticating that the Actinic site is authorised to use the shared ssl services, i.e. it is loaded by the Shared SSL administrator, so if anything of your hosting domain name or cgi-bin location has changed, then this can cause the problem maybe.

    Hope it helps...


      Thanks -- I went back in and made sure that the url and cgi bin paths were the same as before. No luck.

      I'm also trying to get WorldPay going, and I get the very same error as soon as I try to access the payment pages. Maybe this is a clue?

      As my site is presently down for a second day in a row, any help would be much appreciated.

      Thanks - Jen


        It can take 24-48 hours for the Internet to catch up with you when you move your domain to a different web host.

        If you try it again now you might be OK.

        Also, make sure you have done a complete refresh (Web | Refresh Website) so all the correct Perl is online.


          Thanks for all your help. One final posting for those who might come searching afterwards...

          It was a number of problems with our recently-modified site. The very able folks at SureSolutions made a number of changes to get me going. With this error, it might be best to contact your local pro.


