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Section -> Sub-section -> products

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    Section -> Sub-section -> products


    I am fairly new to Actinic. And would like to know if the following were possible. Firstly my situation, I am creating a store for a haberdashery wholesaler, which sells 10,000 products. This leads to about 400 categories of products.

    What I would like is to organise my products into about 10 sections, which in turn are divided up into the 400 different sub-sections, and in each of these will be a list of products. I would like to display this list on the left hand side of the store as a list of sections, that when the user clicks on produces the list of subsections underneath. E.g:

    o Tools and Diy
    o Wool
    o Curtains and Textiles
    - Velvet curtain material
    - Cotton curtain material
    - etc
    o etc

    in the above example the user will have clicked on the section Curtains and Textiles to reveal the subsections below.

    Is it possible to do this using Actinic (and is it easy?) Is there a premade template to this design? If not how would I go about making the necessary changes?

    Thanks for your help


    You should contact Norman at Drillpine.

    He has a menu system which allows click to open the sections below, along with a php utility that speeds things up.

    There is a small charge for the menu system but it is well worth the few pounds


      Thanks, but thats not exactly what i'm looking for.

      I don't need it to update as the user hovers over each section.. All i want is text links that will refresh only when they are clicked on.

      A layout similar to this:

      but in which the subsections are only displayed if the parent section has been clicked on.

      similar to this:

      any ideas on how it could be achieved?


        I've done an expanding / collapsing menu like what you want. That's it on Flooringsales. I've not posted this on my Donationware pages as I was fed up with the ratio of users to those actually donating.

        Contact me by e-mail if interested.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          I probably didn't explain myself very well, but it was the flooring sales menu I was alluding too (especially as I installed it!!

