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    I have just started using Actinic with HSBC secure epayments. I have run a few test purchases on the live website (both Actinic and HSBC are LIVE) and have run into a few problems. Primarily my test purchases are being rejected (By some Fraud rules) to the Pending Payment Service Provider tab and show PSP-Pending on the Payment status window. I have accepted payments on HSBC portal.

    Q. How does Actinic know that the payment has now been cleared? and does it shift the order to the Complete of Pending TAb?

    Many Thanks

    Hi Stuart

    In Livemode, you would have HSBC generate a callback on your site, which results in an .occ file being generated in the /acatalog/ folder. This tells Actinic, it has been authorised.

    Q. How does Actinic know that the payment has now been cleared? and does it shift the order to the Complete of Pending TAb?
    All you need to do, is to go into the order, click on "Progress and Payment", click on "View Payment" and click on "New Entry". This will tell Actinic you have manually authorised the payment.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Hi Nadeem

      We have gone into the order as suggested but "Progress and Payment" is greyed out and I was wondering if you could let me know why this would be?

      Kind Regards


        Hi Gail

        Have you checked in "View | Business Settings | Order Processing" and see if "Bypass Catalog Order Processing" is unticked.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          PSP Pending

          Hi Nadeem

          Thank you for your help, that appears to do the trick.




            This thread has helped me to find the 'Bypass Catalog Order Processing' feature that I was unaware of but I have hundreds of historical orders sitting in the 'Pending PSP' tab. Is there a way that I can somehow select all of these orders in one go and mark them as completed as I think this is preventing me from pulling off acurate reports whilst they are sitting in this tab.



              In View | Business Settings | Order Processing .. Report Options, select 'Enable Export to Files'. Then in the orders tab, select all the 'Pending PSP' orders and using the right click function select 'ReExport to Files'. This will create a set of 5 .csv filesin your Site1 folder that will have the order information, but most importantly will move the orders over to completed.

              Kind regards,
              Bruce King


                I get the error "Too many files are selected" when i followed your instructions so i had to do them a page at the time and even then, when i had completely re-exported all orders they still remain on the 'Pending Payment Service Provider' tab !!



                  Are you sure they are still on the 'Pending Payment Service Provider' tab or on the 'Pending and Complete' tab? They should have moved over to completed once you did the export to files.
                  Bruce King


                    I tried this on my V6 and orders in psp-pending stay their even once exported.


                    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                      Originally posted by Bruce

                      Are you sure they are still on the 'Pending Payment Service Provider' tab or on the 'Pending and Complete' tab? They should have moved over to completed once you did the export to files.
                      Yes I am positive as the tab says 'Pending Payment Service Provider' like I stated.


                        Hi There,

                        Sorry about that, I tried it here and it seemed to work, but that was with an order that had the payment added to it!! With the PSP pending ones you will have to complete payment and then export them.
                        Bruce King


                          So do I get any further help on this or do I have to go direct to Actinic support because it works on your machine and not on mine ?



                            I would suggest getting to support as thay would have to take a look at a snapshot of your site to determine what is happening. Please register a query here if you do not have a support contract, else call up support and a team member should be able to take it from here.

                            Kind regards,
                            Bruce King

