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Section Link creation

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    Section Link creation

    Further to recent comments on search engine friendliness regarding using hard-coded section links rather than the auto-generated links via CGI is there a cunning way to get this done, or is it simply a matter of hardcoding this into the relevant templates (and remembering to update when you add new to-level sections)?

    Interestingly this seems to be a only Google failing. We rate at or near enough the top for our stuff on MSN Search and Yahoo. They seem to have dramatically improved the relevancy of their searches while Google results are still swamped by useless link/ad farms. The site has only been live since mid-May and we may still be suffering the Google sandbox effect, but our experience would indicate MSN and Yahoo are doing a much better job than Google at the moment.

    On a similar note, does the panel think it worth me recoding my Froogle feed to have links to products as ../acatalog/prodpage.html#aPRODREF, rather than the ../cgi-bin/ construct I use now? To change it would assume that Google would be making use of Froogle-submitted links.

    Cult Pens
    Cult Pens

    Hardcoding the links has its benefits opposed to going through the CGI bin but these can be helped along using the sitemap and indeed creating a standalone XML sitemap and submitting to Google will help - there is a thread on here to a site that will automate this.

    If the sections are static then hand coding should be fine. From memory I think "Kermy" has created a Javascript function to strip out and utilise the YahooSections list to automate some of this - may be worth doing a search.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks. Didn't like the freebie auto-generated XML file - it picked up various CGI links, as it would, and also completely failed to generate correct dates. Currently writing my own utility to generate the XML file, which would be trivial if my Transact-SQL wasn't quite so rusty.

      I added a text link to the Actinic-generated site map a while back after seeing advice to do so in these forums.

      As my top-level sections are reasonably static I'll just hack the templates for now.

      Cult Pens
      Cult Pens


        From memory I think "Kermy" has created a Javascript function...
        Wasn't me!
        Web Development, Actinic Patches, Scripts & more


          So much for my memory... must be the heat

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

