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Displaying a special offer on home page?

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    Displaying a special offer on home page?

    Does Actinic Catalog 7 let you display a product on any page (e.g. in the side navigation we've designed) that is on special offer?

    How do we create a special offer product? (can we display a price of before discount and after discount e.g. old price is crossed through).

    We'd ideally like a product to sit on one of the nav bars that we have designed, with a heading of "special offer" and then have the product and its details underneath? (updateable through Actinic ideally as site will be deployed by a client)

    Can this be achieved?

    If not, is there a work around to this problem?

    I realise i can't set up a php/mysql script for the client to make the special offer area dynamic (updateable by themselves) - as all Actinic files are html so it wont work.

    I thought of having a generic special offer button/graphic which just links through to a product and in the product description just say "usual price is £x.xx" or something similar - (worst case scenario).

    You can set this up using a CUSTOMVAR in the side bar or wherever on the page. You can't include the product directly so some manual typing will be required. Edit the Act_Primary.html template and include the CMV's - you will need 1 for the product image and 1 for the text and then specify these values in Design | Options | Shop Defaults. You client would then just have to update these 2 fields when the offer changes. The text can include a link through to the offer product.

    The old price can be added in using HTML in the product description - you can use a different colour / font face or even use the somewhat nasty strikethrough tag but that may cause some browser issues.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      You could also create a seperate HTML page with the image and offer details and get Actinic to include the file as a CUSTOMVAR - if your client has a web creation tool this may be an easier option for including links and formatting etc. Remember to strip out the <head> and <body> tags from the HTML page if you go down this route

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Hi Jont - thanks for the feedback, it sounds do-able. Would you be able to break down the first post a bit further. We're a bit hazy on your instructions.

        Do you mean we should create a html page and hand code the products details in of what we want to appear on the special offer graphic. e.g. we dont actually reference a specific product directly through actinic. Then save it, and set it up as a custom variable?

        We'd then refer to this variable through the act_primary template? (bit confused why we'd need 2 custom variables - and how they'd link to the design section of actinic).

        Or am i barking completely up the wrong tree?
        (and we're not creating any new html files, but instead new fields within Actinic?).....


          If your client has web editing software (Dreamweaver, Frontpage etc) then creating a HTML page and inserting would be the easiest solution for them.

          Create a HTML page - best to use a table or <div> to constrain the sizes to match the area on the Actinic page - and add in images and text and the link through to the special offer product.

          In Actinic under Advanced | Custom Properties create a new CUSTOMVAR called say OFFER. Edit the Act_Primary.html template adding in CUSTOMVAR:OFFER

          Under Design | Options | Site Defaults | Properties click the "+" button and select OFFER - enter the file name of the HTML page you created above - check "Use as Customvar" , "File NAme" and "Use File Content"

          Actinic will then insert the special offer HTML page details wherever it sees CUSTOMVAR:OFFER

          The HTML page you created with the offer details will have the <head> and <body> tags which will also get copied into the Actinic page which has its own <head> and <body> tags so these should be deleted out of the HTML page accordingly.

          Your client then has to simply change the 1 HTML page for the new offers and link through to the product and at the next upload the new details will be incorporated by Actinic.


          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

