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Upload server problems

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    Upload server problems

    I seem to be having trouble uploading to my webspace...

    First time upload works perfectly, then when you try and replace the site with an updated version I receive errors or it times out...

    It can be sticking on a particular product file when uploading, saying 'error copying 'from' file, or others...

    I have attached the most recent messages.

    I thought I may have a corrupt database - but I don't experience these problems when uploading to Actinic test space...

    Attached Files

    Hi There,

    Looking at the error messages you have attached it looks as if you have incorrect permissions on the 'acatalog' folder on the server. The ideal permissions are '777' read, write, execute for all.

    You should be able to do it yourself is you are on a linux server but will need to contact your Hosting company if it is a Windows server. If you still are unable to resolve the issue, I would suggest you raise a support query so that someone from support can take a look at the settings for you.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King

