If you go into Design | Text | Web Site (Cont) | General Information ... You will find 'User Definable 1' which would have 'Show' ticked and the 'Required' box unticked, on the right you will see 'How did you find our Site?' in the 'Prompt' field. Check the "Required' check box and click on 'Apply', then do an update of the site and the question will be a required field.
I've done some tinkering with these questions at checkout and found I get better quality responses by making the question(s) optional, without actually stating that it's optional.
From a personal point of view if a website forces me to answer this sort of question then I lie!
Also, change it from the default 'How did you find our site' to something along the lines of 'How did you find our site (eg word of mouth, search engine, instore advert)' - it's surprising the number of people who reply with just 'good'.