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"Order accepted" Page

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    "Order accepted" Page

    I have just realised that I have not set up anything for when order are accepted or declined.

    I have 2 pages for this purpose, but how do i set this up in Actnic v.7?
    I use secpay, with the old cart, we used to set it up in the cart rather than secpay.

    <SORRY> actinic normally returns the purchaser to order04.html on completion of an order.

    what happens on your site at the mo </SORRY>

    this is misleading, what I should have said was the PSP should normally bounce you back to Actinic page Order04.html.

    There are many reasons why a bounce doesn't work. All of which I've forgotten, but if no-one else replies, try a forum search using any or all of the following keywords secpay, bounce, customer receipt, PSP


      I am not really sure with about other orders but i placed an order for a customer, and after paying on the secpay page, it just went blank. at the top there was a message saying something like, "we are not really sure if your order has been accepted, but it seems like it has, please contact ..." something like that. I checked on secpay an the order had been accepted [I use Deferred orders]


        This is waht it says "0We encountered difficulties receiving the details of your payment from the Payment Provider. The payment appears to be successful and the Order details will be saved. Please contact the merchant"



          That sort of an error happens when a call back is not happening to Actinic from the PSP, if the call back had to happen, then the customer would be presented with the receipt page.

          Can you check something for me please.. in the Network Setup window can you check to see what you have for "Path from CGI-BIN to acatalog" if you have ./acatalog/ please change to ../acatalog/ and do an update of the site. Now check to see if the call back happens or not. If the settings are correct, then please try doing a complete refresh of the site .. Web | Refresh Website. Once done check the site to see if it works and post back with the update.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King



            You might also want to read this thread...

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              My settings are ok. So i refreshed the site, still getting the same proble after a test order. I called the support team, and i think they are onto it - will have to keep you guys updated when its sorted. Its a bit of a nightmare because every order follows with an email from a customer asking whats happening.


                I really need help from anyone. I have been waiting since forever for this issue to be resolved.
                I am almost giving up on the support team now.
                Some one help please - secpay say its to do with that file thats why they cant make the callback.



                  Right, so it finally works. It turns out secpay has the standard template with just the "authorise" button at the bottom. BUT if you ask them nicely, they'll give you one to use with actinic, with the authorise button + a "back" button which takes you back to the cart.
                  I was using the standard template which is why it was not working.

