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CGI BIN showing in Google search

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    CGI BIN showing in Google search


    I've just done a Google search on my web site by searching on the term 'targetairweapons' and the CGI BIN folder is showing in searches rather than the web pages. Is there a way to prevent this happening as it looks as though things can be changed by hackers. Thanks in advance.


    That is a strange result to appear in the index. I've no idea why this appears but there isn't much to worry about, just because the page shows the content of the directory it doesn't mean anything can be done to it.

    As far as keeping the search engines from indexing results in the cgi-bin, this can be done with a robots.txt file, but be careful as your navigation links are going via the cgi-bin and banning the robots from following these links could result in your site not being indexed.

    To prevent the directory contents showing, either place a default file there (usually called index.something) but it may need to be a .pl file in which case you could always use a simple perl redirect to send any vistors back to your home page.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Hi Mike,

      Thanks for those encouraging words about nobody being able to change anything - I was starting to get a bit worried ! Yes, it is an odd one especially as the web site has been used 'straight out of the box' with very little customisation as my HTML skills are almost non-existent (as you can see ).


