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Login redirect problems

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    Login redirect problems

    Hi, having a hair ripping out session!

    been reading the knowledge base I want the customer to go directly to a specific section once they have logged in, I found this but I am lost on the actual implementation! I do not want people to have to log in on shop entry, there is a retail section and a trade section, in the trade section I have a link to {<a href="NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBLOGINLINK">} this takes you to the generic log in page, when you submit you user + pswrd you are taken back to the front of the shop, not to the trade area. Can anyone explain how this is done? I have tried both the articles in the KB but neither make and sense and do not seem to work, sure I must be missing something!

    1st attempt

    Issue: Is it possible to re-direct a successful login to another page, other than catalogbody.html?

    Solution: Yes, use a link like this for your login page, substituting 'Office_Furniture.html' for the section page you want your customers to go to after logging in:


    Customers will first be shown the login page, and once they have logged in they will go to their required section.

    If you are using v6, ensure that you have ticked 'Request Login on Shop Entry' in 'Business Settings | Ordering'.

    Tother attempts.

    Issue: Can I redirect which page the login goes to?
    Solution: Try this:

    Create a temporary brochure fragment called 'Test' with a layout of 'Text Only'.

    Enter the word [LINK] (with square brackets) into the 'Text' field and then set up the link settings at the bottom of the dialogue to link to the section you want customers to get to after logging in.

    Upload the store, and Actinic will create a link that looks something like this:


    Just remove the &NOLOGIN=1 from the end of this URL and customers be shown the login page before then going onto the selected section.


    Hi There,

    Sorry that no one has got back to you so far on this one.. I guess you need to take a look at the Advanced User Guide, which is downloadable from the Actinic website, this is the link to it...

    If you look on page 60 you will see the bit dealing with Putting a login page anywhere on your site.. I guess you already have that for the trade section, if you look toward teh bottom of the article in mention you will notice this bit....

    If you want to change the default page that customers land on then after the line
    <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="ACTINIC_REFERRER" VALUE="http://your.URL/acatalog/index.html">


    Replace ‘TargetPage.html’ with the name of the required page. The file must be in the ‘acatalog’ folder online.

    Hope this helps,

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Login redirect problems

      Bruce, Is there anyway to get the above effect (after login the customer is taken to a specific section) without having to alter the the login.html page after the site has been uploaded??

      Crofter Internet Ltd -




        You can alter and rename the file to say login1.html and then upload it to the server, you links to the login page will then be http://your.URL/acatalog/login1.html and once you add the bit with the page name to the specific section it should work perfectly fine. I am afraid this is the best way to do it.

        Hope this helps,
        Bruce King


          Many thanks

          Crofter Internet Ltd -




            Im having issues with my login page; the bounce URL (PRODUCTPAGE induced apparently) is simply wrong. It's naturally trying to bounce to:


            What is that about? I don't believe I've messed with anything odd that would cause this, but it would be great if someone could tell me wher Actinic originally gets this URL. I want to avoid having to produce my own login page when it should not be required.

            Having said all that, I'm making a site that doesn't have a brochure/catalog distinction - as most shops don't. Instead, the section list is always visible on every, and as such there IS NO ONE PAGE within the acatalog folder that I would to bounce my customers to. I would rather it simply bounced to "" after logging in. Perhaps I managed to find the place to alter this and have now forgotten how I did it....

            Cheers very much


              Hi David,

              Without being able to see your site to find out what is happening, all I can suggest is that you restore any changes that you have made back to default (ie, replace the 'Act_Login.html' file from '\actinic v7\formats\themes\' folder and your perl scripts - this can be achieved by going to 'Help | Troubleshooting | Website Purge & Refresh - this will replace all perl scripts with the original ones).


                I have made a couple of very minor alterations to the pearl scripts, but otherwise they are in fact all original.

                There must be a location from which the PRODUCTPAGE string is extracted. I thought at first it might be in the network set up dialog/wizard, but no such string exists in there to match what i quoted above - the string it is "finding" is "", but in Network Setup, for example, the only strings listed that I have entered are "" and ..."/cgi-bin", etc.., with the exception of the Web Site URL field, which is the same as I find in the PRODUCTPAGE field, but I can't see it would be using that as it is bound to be what I typed in there and it would not serve as a login product page URL that apparently NEEDS to be a file inside the "acatalog" folder.

                I am using a the generic login script and a login html page that sits in the expected position in the acatalog folder, and the login script is bouncing the customer to an incorrect URL. All I need to know is where this bounce URL comes from, so as I can avoid having to create a proprietary login page that won't work in "Test Mode", for example, because the URL would need to be dynamically updated to suite the change in folder structure.

                Perhaps a proprietary login page WOULD work if I just use a relative URL...

                ...but that's not the principle of the matter



                  The login bounce works fine on a default site so something must have been changed in your site that is causing the problem. I would suggest that you register a support query here or call in if you have a cover contract so we can take a look at your snapshot.

