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detailed information

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    detailed information


    In our store, we are wanting to make a similar type of return as on this site -

    ie want a list of products to be displayed as a short return and then when you click on the item,it brings a detailed return up with more information about the product.

    Now i have had a look through the advanced user guide and the only way i can find through there is to created new sections and duplicate the products. Is there any other way of doing this as we are evebtually going to have thousands of products on our website and as you can image, keep creating duplicate products will make it much harder to manage.

    One thing i was wondering was if it was possible to maybe use the extended info but is there a way make it work so that it does not open in a popup window and also has buy buttons etc on there? I think i have tried this once before but failed misserably

    We will also be updating the store by importing the data from a csv file rather than through actinic as we feel this will be easier to manage so there is this to bear in mind.

    Thanks in advance

    Best to remember that 1 page on the web represent 1 section in Actinic - so to get a condensed list which links through to another page you really need to create a new section and copy the duplicates over and then modify the layout accordingly. Actinic creates static HTML pages and does not use a database as such to compile the pages dynamically.

    Norman has an app on that allows a pop up to have an add to cart button - this could save you a lot of time

    You could try creating the condensed pages in say Dreamweaver exporting from the CSV or MDB files and then importing into Actinic using a CUSTOMVAR but t his could cause more usability and time issues than it solves....

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks for the reply, i shall have a look about.

      just as a quick one one, i was having a play with how it says to set up the more detailed page by duplicating the products etc. I would like to make the title and also the image link to the more info page rather than have a link in the description box as i plan not to show this on the short return, does anyone have any iodea of how i can do this? The box thats says make image clickable is greyed out?!?!

      help greatly appreciated.



        The 'Image Clickable' option is greyed out on products because you have the "Extended Information" option available, where you can choose to display the pop-up page by 'Clicking product Image', 'Extended Info Button' and 'Text Link'.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King

