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Automated E-mail question

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    Automated E-mail question

    I would like a e-mail when i have an order to down load. This part is simple i know but!

    I would like to decide the subjuct line and i would also like the customers email address in the body of the e-mail. Also i would like to send it to a different e-mail address i think i could use the cc field for this.

    Thank you

    PS. If your asking why do i want it here it is.

    I have a newsletter that offers discount codes and for the first 2 weeks the e-mail address of the subscriber is contained in the autoresponder series of the e-mail software i am using Therefore if the subsciber makes a purchase i would like to automaticaly remove the e-mail address from the auto responder. All i need is an e-mail once they have ordered with the customers Address in the body.


    You can get the customers address in the body of the email if you edit the template and add in <Actinic:SHIP_EMAIL/>. I am checking to see fi there is a way to control the subject line of the Order Received email.

    If you want to senf the receipt email to an address other than the one you have specified in Business Settings | Company / Contact, I would suggest you use the "Send Receipt Email copies to" field, in Business Settings | Ordering | Email ..

    Will post back with my findings on the subject line.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King



      With regards to the Subject Line on the email, here are a few things youc an try...

      The subject line of the email consists of Design | Text Phase -1, ID 234
      followed by the order number. Note, the same subject is used on all copies
      of the email including the buyers copy.

      If you want to change the subject line for the Order Received email that you generate of the Actinic application, then

      Select any order, click 'View order | Mail'.

      Click New, then 'Manage Email Templates'. Select the template you want to
      amend and click Edit. Then click 'File | Save As' and name the new file.
      Enter in the Description field the text you want to appear in the subject
      line and click 'OK'. When you next select Mail, the new file template will
      appear in the drop-down list for selection.

      If this does not answer your query, can you please post back with more details of your requirement.

      Hope this helps,

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King

