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intermittant problems with emails from Actinic

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    intermittant problems with emails from Actinic

    Have been reading loads of threads about SMTP problems - mine is that SOMETIMES my client can send emails from within Actinic but, without apparently changing any settings, other times (mostly) he can not. I am finding the same problem from my own PC, sometimes they go, sometimes they are rejected with a "relaying not permitted" error. Anyone else get this sporadic effect and if so, did they work out what was causing it?

    Network settings Tests are ALWAYS successful with smtp without authentification (ditto using localhost) NEVER when I try to use authentification. The email generated by the unauthenticated test always gets sent (and received) successfully.

    I have several sites on the same server (CWCS) and no-one else is reporting this problem.

    Thanks for reading, any suggestions gratefully received...


    That sounds like a really strange problem. Have you checked to see if the SMTP server is relaying mail to all other domains, certain SMTP servers only allow forwarding to specific domains and so could be an issue. I can not really think of much else that can be causing the issue for you.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Thanks Bruce. SMTP server seems to be relaying ok to other domains. My ISP has just changed the IP address of the domain and it is working at the moment, but it may just be coincidence! Could it be conflicting with other software open on my client's PC?

      Using his snapshot, I was unable to send emails through Actinic on my PC for a short while. I then tried from another site that I have just set up and WAS able to send, and then when I tried to send from my client's site (ie my version of it) I was able to send from that one too.... Both sites are sitting on same server, only difference, client-with-the-problem has SSL enabled - would this make a difference? The problem does seem to have got worse since we enabled SSL (it might even have started then)

      V puzzling (and frustrating...)


        SMT - Relaying Denied

        Bruce, I may have the cause of the fault here, perhaps you can provide the answer.

        We are using v7 for a customer, hosted on a unix box. Lets call them Naturally the box has relaying denied for domains that are not allowed. If this were not the case the web would grind to a halt under SPAM...

        The problem occurs when a customer completes the contact form, this form sends mail via sendmail using the "email" field in the contact form as the "from" address. When it should surely use the as the from address.

        Can you shed some light on what we have to alter to make this fix, so that the mails are sent from the domain used for the site and not from the field that the customer fills out.


        James Hirst


          Hi James,

          A workaround to your issue would be to:

          Open '' in a text editor such as notepad (found in your site folder)

          Search for:

          # Construct the mail text and send it to the merchant

          Seven lines below this you will see:

          my @Response = ACTINIC::SendMail($::g_sSmtpServer, $$::g_pSetupBlob{EMAIL}, $sSubject, $sTextMailBody, $sEmailRecpt);
          Change this to:

          my @Response = ACTINIC::SendMail($::g_sSmtpServer,  $$::g_pSetupBlob{EMAIL}, $sSubject, $sTextMailBody, $$::g_pSetupBlob{EMAIL});
          Save and close the file and update the site.

