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HELP - Secure and Non-Secure items (v7)

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    HELP - Secure and Non-Secure items (v7)


    I hope someone can point me in the right direction. I'm pulling my hair out and I can ill afford that...

    I have a site with modified templates hostedHere

    I have SSL turned on for checkout only and I get the warning about Secure and Non-secure items. Interestingly, I have to answer the question twice.

    I have checked my stylesheet and template files carefuly to ensure that all links are absolute and any images are referenced in the acatalog directory.

    Can anyone suggest where I may be going wrong?

    Alec Moss
    Business Webpage Ltd
    Web Design
    Starter Websites

    Originally posted by bizweb

    I hope someone can point me in the right direction. I'm pulling my hair out and I can ill afford that...

    I have a site with modified templates hostedHere

    I have SSL turned on for checkout only and I get the warning about Secure and Non-secure items. Interestingly, I have to answer the question twice.

    I have checked my stylesheet and template files carefuly to ensure that all links are absolute and any images are referenced in the acatalog directory.

    Can anyone suggest where I may be going wrong?

    you have a none https on the web page need to look into this
    you can not have a http on this page


      Not helpful I'm afraid

      I have links to http:// pages, but this has not caused me problems in the past. A previous site (which works fine) can be seen Here

      As far as I can see, there is not any non-secure content held on the page

      Anyone got any ideas??
      Alec Moss
      Business Webpage Ltd
      Web Design
      Starter Websites



        This seems to be another blessing from Microsoft, enhanced security features on Internet Explorer. I tried your site on the Firefox browser and it showed me the attached message, which is expected as it is the very first time I am visiting the site and it is moving from a non-secure to secure area, the session file and cookie requires this information. The message is presented only once and never again as the firefox cookie remembers and handles it as usual.

        The Internet explorer cookie requires you to authenticate it and hence you having to click yes twice. It should be an issue only the first time someone visits or the first time they visit after clearing cookies.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King

