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Snapshot Error Message

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    Snapshot Error Message

    A series of events has now lead to a problem that so far I have been unable to fix, despite reading back through previous threads on this topic.

    We started last week with a site on Catalog V6. A snaphot was sucessfully taken, and on another PC, Business V7 was installed sucessfully and the snapshot was imported (sucessfully). All seemed OK up until then. We then did something stupid and installed tha PayPal module onto Business V7 (not knowing at that time that there was no need as PayPal is already installed in Business V7). This caused a problem because it would not let us 'Configure Method' for the PayPal Payment Method.

    Thinking that we would have to re-install Business V7 we took a snaphot and tested it on another PC that has Business V7 installed. We get the following error message:

    Exceptions - fatal errors
    (File SnapshotWizard.cpp, Line 1214) - The parameter is incorrect.

    and therefore we cannot install the snapshot. We tried another PC with Bsuiness V7 and the same error message appears. We now have a snapshot that we are unsure about. By the way, we had not highlighted an of the products AND tried the database compact. Still no help.

    We are now stuck because we do not want to risk loosing all the work if the snapshot is never going to work. We have copied the contents of Site 1, as a secondary back-up but who knows if the error is just going to follow across with it.

    Also, not sure if the PayPal problem is related to the snapshot error message. Either way, we cannot find a way to solve both problems. Any help, much appreciated?

    So really my questions are:
    1. Can we get rid of the Paypal module that was installed into Business V7?
    2. Can we fix the parameter problem?
    3. If none of the above, is there anything else we can do in case the snapshot will not work when we re-install Business V7 (and my guess is if we do that the same fatal error will appear again and we will be no further forward).

    Can you do a clean install of v7 and reimport the original v6 snapshot?
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      After Re-Installing Business V7

      Since my last posting, I have now installed Business V7 onto 2 other PC's. Having taken snapshots, all show the same fatal error message as mentioned in my original post.
      Therefore, I assume it is my version of Business that is causing this error message each and every time a snapshot is taken, which shows up upon an import.
      Is there a bug in my software? Or is this particular software faulty?
      B.T.W. the CD is a boxed original and not a pirate.


        Are you making the snapshots while focus in the Actinic file tree is on a fragment or product?

        This is a frequently reported bug. The tree focus must be on a page or the site home page when the snapshot is taken in v7.
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          I had the same problem last week when trying to take a snapshot whilst a fragment was highlighted. Thought I must have done something terrible to a template (but couldn't think what).

          Actinic are creating a patch for this bug and said that will be ready to download soon.


            That bug has been fixed in 7.0.5 ... see first item

            Note this is still in beta stage so if you don't "need" and of the changes then be wary about installing just yet

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Still No Luck !

              As I mentioned in my original posting, we have not highlighted any of the products. Highlighting only the Home page and creating a snapshot makes no difference. The same fatal error message.
              Now having downloaded the latest BETA patch. Still no difference. The same fatal error message appears.
              Anyone any ideas, please?
              What/where are these stupid 'parameters'?


                Sorry, you did give that information (did not register that it was in the middle of the post).

                Brings me back to my original question - do you still have the v6 snapshot which originally worked successfully? Can you re-import that snapshot to a clean v7 install and then re-export a snapshot?
                Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                Located: Alexandria, EGYPT

