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Upgrading to V7?

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    Upgrading to V7?

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    I am well on my to develping a great new store at and have used Developer since it's beginnings.

    I am going to be selling items now that need to be posted (airbrush equipment, DVD's and paint etc) whereas b4, I only had d-loadable digital art files. I've never used the shipping facilities for post/packing but now, I'm going to need this in my new store.

    I can't find d-loadable shipping info for V6.1.5.0 so should I be upgrading to V7 and if so, is it a free upgrade?

    Thank you for any help you can give me and BTW, I still absolutely love the software!! I have been building my new store for only a week now and I have already re-developed my complete website and added members only section for tips and tricks and will be selling my own items plus airbrushing equipment and students are able to book classes on-line. I already have taken 3 fully booked classes and it's going from strength to strenght and all due to Actinic.

    For anyone who is new to the software it really is amazing! (And I'm still faffing around with the easy bits 4 years on!!)


    Organic Image - Award-winning Airbrush Kustom Art & Airbrush Classes

    Not a free upgrade as it is a whole new package but you can get an exisiting user upgrade at discounted prices - best to contact Actinic sales and see what they can do for you.

    TBH if all you need is to add in shipping then v6 is fine. You can get to the shipping at View | Business Settings | Shipping and Handling - here you can set the calculation style - by weight, value, quantity etc and then define your shipping zones eg UK, Europe, America etc and to each add a class of service eg 1st class, 2nd class, TNT, UPS etc.

    It is just then a case of adding in your price bands in the opopsite table - you can set us as many bands as you like including free delivery if the buyer gets ao a certain value, quantity etc.


    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Some great pics on the site BTW

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Originally posted by jont
        Some great pics on the site BTW
        Cheers Jont. I'm sure I'll be back asking questions bout the post!

        Organic Image - Award-winning Airbrush Kustom Art & Airbrush Classes

