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Get rid of that ghastly colour

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    Get rid of that ghastly colour

    Can anyone help me with this?

    have made some changesto the site, particularly the colours of some title bars. All the changes have been made to the correct areas except the sitemap and search page. They are showing some ghastly colour i dont know where it came from?? Its on the left. have a look at the link below. Not sure which template i have to change to amend the colour.

    I have changed primary, brochure primary and a few other but cant workout why this nasty colour remains? - ghastly pink - ghastly pink

    should look like this - pastel colour

    any help would be greatly appreciated. sorry the question may sound ridiculous and unchallenging to some people but im still learning, very slowly i might add!!!!

    Michael Houlden

    Pure Thoughts Soap Company

    Luxury Handmade Soap, Bath Treats, Skincare and Gifts.

    Go into your Design/Colors option and see if you can find a similar pink color selected there - then change it to something else more pleasing to the eye - you have to experiment until you find the right one.


      Thanks for the reply. have checked the design | colours section and that horrible pink isnt in that section at all.

      just to confirm the search page and sitemap take there appearance from Act_Primary dont they??

      Have amended that section and it look fine. Havent a clue where im going wrong.

      any other ideas from anyone?
      Michael Houlden

      Pure Thoughts Soap Company

      Luxury Handmade Soap, Bath Treats, Skincare and Gifts.


        Thanksfor those that looked but managed to sort the problem myself.

        Its was a typo mistake made by myself. Added a letter to the colour in Dreamweaver.

        Amateur error!!!!

        Michael Houlden

        Pure Thoughts Soap Company

        Luxury Handmade Soap, Bath Treats, Skincare and Gifts.


          Michael - you may want to take a look at your PreLoad image statement in the <body> tag on the hompage - it is being defined twice and there are a lot of calls just to the acatalog directory!

          I spotted this due to the time lag in the mouse-over function for the main 3 images on the homepage.


          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

